WSESU Board Meeting Minutes – August 14, 2024

Windham Southeast Supervisory Union School Board

Minutes — August 14, 2024

Directors present: Anne Beekman, Kerry Amidon, Tim Maciel, Deborah Stanford
Also present: Mark Speno, Whitney Lynde, Paul Smith, Frank Rucker, Brin Tucker
(There were no attendees via zoom as of 5:15 pm)
Via Zoom: Mike Kelliher, Tate Erickson

CALL TO ORDER—5:00 p.m. — Anne Beekman

There being no changes made to the Consent Agenda, the board approved the Consent Agenda as presented on a motion by Deborah Stanford.

No public comment.

FINANCE – Frank walked the board through the ESSER Program grant spreadsheets for the WSESU, the WSESD and VES.

Paul Smith spoke to the educational investment. ESSER funds were intended to respond to the Covid pandemic. Our response was student engagement and family outreach (social workers), minimizing learning loss (instructional coaches and academic supports) and providing infrastructure to respond to future events (HVAC work).

Federal requirements say that we must spend a minimum of 20% of the money on specific instructional recovery resources. We are actually spending twice that minimum.

In addition to the ESSER funds we have also received additional recovery money through competitive grants thanks to Brin Tucker, including $106,000 for the summer program and money for literacy program materials.

TEACHER/STAFF CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS – Our renegotiations will start around November and the goal is to be done by the annual meeting or earlier in February if possible. The usual time requirement is 4 pm – 8 pm weekly on a non-board meeting night. The board discussed including 2 board members on the negotiation team in a “silent but present” capacity. While the negotiations fall under the SU purview, the board discussed if representatives from the SD and VES boards, who are not on the SU board, could be included. Anne will reach out to legal counsel to see if we can expand the group to include district membership.

ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Mark updated the board on the upcoming start of the school year with the welcoming of new hires next week including formal welcoming meetings and mentorship set ups. Inservice days are August 26th and 27th with the 28th being the first day for students.

An update was given on the new public pre-k facility at the former Canal Street School. A recent walk through of the grounds and classrooms occurred and the issue of limited parking for both staff and parent pick up/drop off is under consideration with the assistance of Robert Clark. Currently 6 children are signed up but we are looking to host 12-15. Mark hopes to plan an open house for board members soon.

Mark reviewed the new draft of the yearly board/administrative meeting calendar that was a product of the June 18th retreat. It will be discussed again on August 20th at a follow up meeting so that a more solid plan can be presented to all boards in September. This new approach includes 3 “summits” to include all three boards throughout the year.

NEW HIRES – none


Michael Kelliher gave an update based on a recent training program he attended; a 6 part presentation by Heather Lynn on both HHB and Title IX.

Michael is working to incorporate this information into our local training that will occur in September with the full administrative team.

He will continue to track data for HHB and Title IX incidents that can be discussed with the board in an executive session.

Tim noted that a small group of board members will be meeting with Brin around a Panorama survey to measure bullying.

MEETING SCHEDULE – a discussion was had around whether to add a 2nd meeting to the SU each month. It was decided to keep to 1 meeting per month as we evaluate the new calendar but this is always open for rediscussion.

On a motion by Kerry Amidon, the board authorized the chair to negotiate a contract with the VSBA for our superintendent evaluation and invite the VSBA to join us in September.

VII Old Business

Presented for a second reading:
WSESU F41 Policy on Section 504 and ADA
Presented for Adoption: moved by Deborah Stanford
WSESU E6 Emergency Closings
WSESU E7 Safety & Security of School Facilities
WSESU E8 Tobacco
WSESU F12 Transportation

WSESU G14 Dissection
WSESU G15 Title I

VIII Executive Session

On a motion by Tim Maciel the board voted to enter into Executive Session as of 6:27 pm
under 1 V.S.A. § 313 (a)(7) The academic records or suspension or discipline of students
and 1 V.S.A. § 313 (a)(1)(A) Contracts. The board invited Mark, Tate, Whitney and other
witnesses to join.

The board rose from Executive Session at 8:18 pm with no action taken.

On a motion by Kerry Amidon, the board voted to adjourn at 8:18 pm.

Note respectfully submitted,
Kerry Amidon, Clerk

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