In Need of Volunteer Host Families for High School Exchange Students

We are looking for folks to step up to volunteer for international exchange students for the high school for the upcoming school year.  Students hope to arrive later this month, so they need someone to volunteer for them today,

What does hosting entail?  Students need a bed (they can share a room), a place to study and access to three meals a day.   Program support includes full health insurance, spending money, access to quarterly group trips, school support, and ongoing support of both the student and host family, too.

Can you host without high school age kids at home?  Definitely!   Host families come in all shapes and sizes. In fact, did you know that half of our local host families do not have any kids in the home? Students are chosen by the family to be a good fit for your lifestyle. We have kids with all sorts of interests; animals, reading, sports, or arts. We have kids hoping to learn to crochet this year, or ones that want to learn to cook new dishes. If you have the space to house, the resources to feed, and the heart to welcome, you could be a great host!  Can’t do a whole year at this time?  That’s ok, too, you can sign on for a semester to see how it goes.

Salih from Libya would like to learn how to play football this year.  Trinh from Vietnam likes to knit in her free time.  Want to learn new dishes?  Stella from Germany loves to cook and bake!  Students want someone to play board games with, or someone to teach them how to build a snowman.  Are you a baseball fan?  Can you teach a student the rules of the game so they can join the team this year?  If you have any of these interests, and many more, we can find a good student match for you.

Please email Kimberly, the local coordinator with PAX, at or call/text 802-490-0758 if you have questions or would like to host.

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