Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) Policy and Amendment Committee Meeting Minutes June 26, 2024

Note: These minutes should be considered preliminary until they are approved at the next Policy and Amendment Committee meeting.
Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) Policy and Amendment Committee

Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Regular meeting 2:00 pm

Hybrid meeting: WSESU Central Office, 53 Green St., Brattleboro, VT and

Remotely via Zoom


Policy and Amendment Committee members present: Deborah Stanford (DS, Chair), Anne Beekman (AB)
WSESD/U Staff and Administrators present: Mo Hart (MH), Cassie Damkoehler (CD),
Mike Kelliher (MK), Aidy Holding (AH), Shannon Kelly (SK)
Guests: Liz Adams (LA, via zoom)

Call to Order
DS convened the meeting at 2:00 p.m. and read the hybrid statement .

I. Approval of Minutes and confirmation of next meeting date

The minutes of 6/12/24 meeting approved by assent.

The Policy and Amendment Committee meets on second and fourth Wednesdays, from 2-4 pm at the WSESU Central Office and on Zoom. The next meetings are
scheduled for:
No meetings in July
August 14
August 28

DS noted that the agenda for 8/14 will include:
● F21 (Policy on the Use of Restraint and Seclusion)
● F41 (Policy on Section 504 and ADA Grievance Protocol for Students and Staff)

II. Policies

F1 Student Conduct and Discipline – Review with BUHS Admin Cassie Damkoehler, assistant principal at BUHS, reviewed F1 with the committee. The following changes were made:
● In the Due Process section on page 4:
o The intro and bullet 1: stay the same.
o Bullet 2 becomes: “students’ right to a fair hearing before being suspended for up to ten days.”
o Bullet 3 (“and students’ right to appeal suspensions of ten days or more, expulsions, and referrals to alternative schools.”): deleted.
o Sentence following the bullets becomes: “Upon a suspension of more than ten days, or consideration of an expulsion or referral to an alternative school, a hearing must be scheduled with the Board, student, and caregiver.”
o Add a concluding statement: “At any point in the process of suspension, the student and caregiver may appeal the decision to the Superintendent. Subsequent concerns may be submitted to the School Board for further review.”

● The following policies were added to the cross-references: F23 (HHB) and F38 (Title IX).
● F1 is on hold until 8/14 to revisit with edits in place and review with MS before sending for first reading.

Gender Freedom in Schools

Discussion focused on the final section of the proposed policy: school activities.

● SK reached out to the athletic directors at BAMS and BUHS and shared the proposed paragraph on school activities and athletics. They suggested directly referencing the VPA athletics policy.
● The committee decided that it would be good to reference the VPA policy but to also restate the key points.
● At the beginning of the policy, a fifth bullet point will be added to the District Values on page 1. Proposed sentence: “Our values include all elements of the educational process, with a specific emphasis on athletics and extracurricular activities.”
● SK is waiting to hear back from HS counseling regarding permanent pupil records and how privacy is maintained. SK will reach out to J ill Kelley.
● Gender Freedom is on hold until 8/14.

LSP9 Parental Notification
● On hold — cannot be repealed until F1 is adopted.

F28 Student Activities
● Deleted duplication in lines 5 and 6.
● F28 is school related — committee may want to get feedback from athletic departments and administrators.
● CD suggested referencing the VPA and running F28 by legal, as there have been recent court cases about clubs within protected classes.
● On hold until A ug 14. F28 will be reviewed with MS present before reaching out to athletics or admin.

F29 English Learners
● Committee read through F29 aloud and discussed the expanded definition of English Learner, from VSBA.
● Line 2: of � or
● CD noted that many schools have gotten away from ELL (English language learners) and moved to multilingual learners (ML) for terminology.
o Terminology has not yet changed in the model policy but it has for teacher endorsements.
o Committee agreed to switch to “multilingual learners” wherever the term “English Learners” appears in the policy.

● The red text – the expanded definition of English Learners – from the VSBA lays out that a student doesn’t have to be an immigrant to be a multilingual learner. It broadens concept of who should be considered for services. Some found it to be unnecessarily complicated.
o Question was raised of whether students whose parents communicate only via ASL should be included.

● Multilingual Language Learner teacher (Jennifer Course) will be asked to provide input on F29.
● The use of “and” and “or” in the definition is important and possibly easy to overlook – MH will bold these words for the next review.
● F29 is on hold.

G4 Selection of Library Materials

G5 Selection of Instructional Materials

H4 Distribution of Non -School Sponsored Literature in the Schools
● Committee will reach out to school librarians for input on G4 and to curriculum office for input on G5.
● G6 (Complaints About Instructional Materials) will be reviewed alongside G4 and G5.
● G4, G5, and H4 on hold until 8/14

Meeting adjourned at 3:56 pm. Happy Summer to all.

Agenda for 8/14 meeting will include:
● F21 Policy on the Use of Restraint and Seclusion
● F41 Policy on Section 504 and ADA Grievance Protocol for Students and Staff
● F1 Student Conduct and Discipline
● Gender Freedom in Schools
● F28 Student Activities
● F29 English Learners
● G4 Selection of Library Materials
● G5 Selection of Instructional Materials
● G6 Complaints About Instructional Materials
● H4 Distribution of Non -School Sponsored Literature in the Schools

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