Windham Southeast School District Board Meeting Agenda June 25, 2024


53 Green Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301

The Windham Southeast School District Board will 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25, 2024
in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room and remotely via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 890 2475 8446 Passcode: uZyPR2
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Meeting ID: 890 2475 8446
Passcode: 823859
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Phone instructions: *6 mute/unmute *9 raise/lower hand


I. Call to Order [5 minutes]

– If appropriate, agenda items are subject to Potential Action
– If any Board Member feels that an item on the Consent Agenda warrants discussion, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be set aside for discussion. In this way the Consent Agenda will be approved in one motion. That request should be made now – or before the vote on the Consent Agenda.

II. Student Matters [10 minutes]

III. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items [10 minutes]

This is a time for the Board to listen and to take notes. It is not a time for the Board to respond to comments or to engage in dialogue with the public. If appropriate – the Board and Administration will work on next steps.

IV. Board Matters [65 minutes]

A. Leadership Council Updates [10 Minutes]
B. Board Sub-Committees [5 Minutes]
C. Update on Teacher Appreciation – Friday, 6/7 [10 minutes]
D. Assess delivery of Panorama Data [10 minutes]
E. Data from Family Survey – Panorama [15 minutes]
F. Discuss ways of presenting financial information to the public [15 minutes]

Break [10 minutes]
Board Matters [50 minutes]

G. Process the 6/18/24 Retreat [30 minutes]
H. Plans in place to protect students and staff during extreme weather conditions [10 minutes]
I. Establish Summer Schedule for Board [10 minutes]

V. Administrative Report

Nothing to Report

VI. Fiscal Report

Nothing to Report

VII. Consent Agenda [5 minutes]

Minutes from June 4, 2024, June 19, 2024

VIII. New Business [5 minutes]

A. Policy & Amendment requests the following be rescinded: Action Required
LSP2 Transportation – Pupil Transportation Utilizing Private Vehicle
LSP12 Enrollment of Children of Faculty and Staff

B. Policy & Amendment Presents for a 1st Reading:
D4 Educator Supervision and Evaluation

C. Any Other Topic for New Business

IX. Unfinished Business [5 minutes]

A. Policy & Amendment presents the following for 2nd Reading
E14 Environmental Awareness and Responsibility
F4 Searches, Seizures, and Interrogation of Students by School Personnel
F5 Searches, Seizures, and Interrogation of Students by Law Enforcement
Personnel or Other Non-School Personnel
F41 Policy on Section 504 and ADA Grievance Protocol for Students & Staff
G13 Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources and the Internet

B. Any Other Topic for Unfinished Business

X. Executive Session (If needed)

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