Windham Southeast Supervisory Union School Board
Minutes — March 13, 2024
Directors present: Kerry Amidon, Tim Maciel, Deborah Stanford
Via Zoom: Anne Beekman, Kelly Young
Also present: Mark Speno, Frank Rucker, Paul Smith
CALL TO ORDER—6:03 p.m. – Anne Beekman – Chair
The chair thanked Mo Hart for her work at the previous night’s meeting with zoom links and technology.
On a motion by Deborah Stanford the board moved to approve the minutes of February 14, 2024.
On a motion by Anne Beekman the board moved to approve the Warrants & Payrolls as submitted for February 14, 2024
Warrant of February 14, 2024
Warrant No. 1153 in the amount of $ 174,525.20
Warrant No. 1154 in the amount of $ 263.75
Warrant No. 1155 in the amount of $ 6,905.72
Warrant No. 1159 in the amount of $ 1,031.96
Warrant No. 1160 in the amount of $ 199,032.02
Warrant No. 1161 in the amount of $ 1,914.65
Warrant No. 1162 in the amount of $ 299,204.85
Total Accounts Payable $ 682,851.15
Payroll Pay Period 2/9/2024 $ 603,439.59
Warrant of February 28, 2024
Warrant No. 1164 in the amount of $ 465.20
Warrant No. 1167 in the amount of $ 432,023.74
Warrant No. 1171 in the amount of $ 1,306.28
Warrant No. 1173 in the amount of $ 164,462.38
Warrant No. 1174 in the amount of $ 2,240.76
Warrant No. 1175 in the amount of $ 418,294.09
Warrant No. 1176 in the amount of $ 13,333.50
Total Accounts Payable $ 1,032,125.95
Payroll Pay Period 2/23/2024 $ 601,645.82
Frank Rucker informed the board that the fiscal year end audit report was almost complete and should be available shortly for review. It can be placed on an upcoming agenda for further discussion, in addition to an update on our year to date spending.
An update was given on the Tenny Field project for the grandstands and an outdoor learning area.
While the final design and specifications are not ready, more should follow shortly.
Mark Speno introduced Mike Kelliher for a presentation on the Harassment, Hazing and Bullying and Title IX policies used by the WSESU and future plans for additional training. The board had a discussion around possible new communication techniques to ensure students, staff and families understood paths to seek resources or reporting avenues.
Paul Smith gave an update on Education Quality Standards (Series 2000) from the AOE that is being updated.
The detailed information can be found here:
Mark updated the board on the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th and the plans to have an early release day for students (11:30/11:40 am for elementary and 12:30pm for BAMS/BUHS/WRCC).
Staff will use the release for planning time. Educational materials and glasses will be available prior for all students. Mark will be sending a letter tomorrow to all families so they have time to plan for this unscheduled half day.
On a motion by Kerry Amidon, the board approved the hiring of Christina Hall as a Special Education Case Manager for VES and PCS.
On a motion by Deborah Stanford, the board approved the hiring of Jimmy Lynch as a Special Education Case Manager for BUHS.
Mark requested board members to join a hiring committee per policy D1 for the new Curriculum Coordinators for both Pre-K – 6 and 7 – 12. Kerry Amidon (Pre-K – 6) and Tim Maciel (7 – 12) agreed to be part of the process.
Presented for a second reading:
D7 Volunteers & Work Study
F36 Student Freedom of Expression
F32 Student Distribution of Literature
PUBLIC COMMENT – there was none
A discussion was held around the concept of policy development originating at the SU level and applying to both districts. Options include leaving things as current or bringing new thoughts to the upcoming board/administration retreat. Kerry will write up a one-pager on the options.
On a motion by Kerry Amidon, the board voted to enter Executive Session at 7:32 pm under 1 V.S.A. § 313 (a)(3) the appointment or employment or evaluation of a public officer or employee.
The board rose from Executive Session at 8:11 pm with no action taken.
On a motion by Kerry Amidon the board voted to adjourn at 8:11 pm.
Notes respectfully submitted
Kerry Amidon