Windham Southeast Supervisory Union School Board
Minutes — November 8, 2023
Directors present: Anne Beekman, Kerry Amidon, Tim Maciel
Via Zoom: Kelly Young, Deborah Stanford
Also present: Superintendent Mark Speno, Principal Julianne Eagan, Principal Hannah Parker, Business Manager Frank Rucker, Curriculum Coordinator Paul Smith, Dummerston Academic Support Teacher/Coach Carmen Winchester, Dummerston First Grade Teacher Beth Montgomery, Dummerston Fourth Grade Teacher Katie Tafe.
List of attendees via zoom as of 6:15 p.m. at the end of the minutes.
CALL TO ORDER—6:01 p.m. – Anne Beekman, Chair
On a motion by Tim Maciel the board moved to enter the consent agenda for action.
On a motion by Tim Maciel the board approved the minutes of October 11, 2023.
Frank Rucker reviewed the Budget Development Overview process including the preliminary timeline, FTE ratios, and projections in the area of Special Education. Frank walked through the previous year’s budget giving an overview of the majors sections, both the summary data and the more detailed information that is available for both revenue and expenditures.
On a motion by Anne Beekman the board approved the following warrants and payroll
Warrants of October 11, 2023
Warrant No. 1060 in the amount of $ 23,696.24
Warrant No. 1061 in the amount of $ 8,118.75
Warrant No. 1065 in the amount of $ 2,658.65
Warrant No. 1066 in the amount of $ 4,605.72
Warrant No. 1067 in the amount of $ 523,052.94
Total $ 562,021.30
Warrants of October 25, 2023
Warrant No. 1068 in the amount of $ 8,075.00
Warrant No. 1069 in the amount of $ 11,726.92
Warrant No. 1074 in the amount of $ 243.20
Warrant No. 1077 in the amount of $ 619.12
Warrant No. 1078 in the amount of $ 2,632.47
Warrant No. 1079 in the amount of $ 1,047,374.85
Total $ 1,070,671.56
October 6, 2023 $ 614,144.87
October 20, 2023 $ 620,853.23
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Presentation entitled “Implementation of Peer Observation & Professional Development Supports”
Mark introduced the presenters including Julianne Eagan, Carmen Winchester, Beth Montgomery, Katie Tafe, Kindergarten Teacher Ana Williams, Green Street Principal Kate Margaitis, Green Street Third Grade Teacher Jenn Germain, BUHS Interim Principal Hannah Parker and WRCC Director Nancy Wiese who walked the group through their work around the formalized learning system they have been developing over the past 2 years and the progress they have made. The board thanked all for their enthusiasm and dedicated work to bring this work in the best way to each of their schools. The presentation slides can be found here. (
Unfinished business
On a motion by Kelly Young, the board voted to adopt F10 – Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect and H7 – Leadership Councils.
The chair updated the board on the ongoing VSBA Superintendent evaluation. The evaluation part has been completed and a report is expected from the VSBA in December.
The following policies were presented for a first reading:
E10 – School Crisis Prevention & Response
E15 – Security Cameras
F9 – Student Substance Abuse Prevention
These policies will be on the next agenda for discussion and possible adoption.
Tim Maciel showed the board the webpage for the Cambridge Public School. A discussion ensued around the current WSESU website and how it might better engage families and students.
Tim also asked the board to consider future staff involvement in the superintendent evaluation, whether by direct inclusion or access to a survey form.
On a motion by Kerry Amidon the board voted to adjourn at 7:45 p.m.
Notes respectfully submitted
Kerry Amidon