WSESD Independent Budget Review Committee
Tuesday, November 14, 2023 5:00 pm
Minutes of the 11/14 meeting of the IRBC.
Members present- Maggie Foley, Jaci Reynolds, Kristina Naylor.
The meeting was called to order at 5pm by Jaci.
On a motion made by Jaci and seconded by Maggie the agenda was amended to table all other agenda items until after the finance committee meeting.
The committee attended the WSESD Finance Committee meeting until 5:50.
On a motion made by Jaci and seconded by Maggie, Kristina was named chair, and clerk duties were assigned on a rotating basis.
Other agenda items were tabled until all members could be in attendance.
The committee adjourned at 6:03pm
Minutes respectfully submitted by Kristina Naylor.