WSESU Policy and Amendment Committee Meeting Agenda

Policy and Amendment Committee
April 24, 2023 at 2:30pm

in the WSESU District Office, 53 Green Street, Brattleboro and remotely via Zoom

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AGENDA – 4/24/2023

The following is a suggested agenda pending approval of the reorganized Committee.

I. Approval of Minutes from 4/3/23
Confirm date for next meeting

II. WSESD Board Update
F35 – School Animal Policy (re-adoption delayed until 4/25/23)

D17 – Policy on Nondiscriminatory Mascots and School Branding (adoption 4/11/23)

III. Update
LSP1 (F42) Student Dress Code
(student voices)
H7 – Leadership Councils
(emails from attorney)

IV. New Business

G8 Local Action Plan
(Consider D1, D2 Professional Development, and G1 Curriculum Development and 
Coordination as working components of G8)
D1 Personnel-Recruitment, Selection, Appointment, and Background Checks 
(Regarding including students in the hiring process)
E14 Environmental Awareness and Responsibility

V. The following Policies have been presented for review by Barb Nowakowski
F1 Student Conduct and Discipline

F9 Student Alcohol and Drugs

F36 Student Freedom of Expression in School Sponsored Media

NOTA BENE: Please refer to the updated policies that are attached:

F42 (LSP1)
, G8, D1, D2, G1, F1, F9, and F36

VI. Create Agenda for next meeting

Meeting to conclude at 4:30.

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