Communications Council for the Windham Southeast School District
The Communications Council of the WSESD will meet at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, February 3, 2023 remotely via Zoom
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Meeting ID: 859 6576 9325
Passcode: C1aAx4
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Meeting ID: 859 6576 9325
Passcode: 849561
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1. Call to order
2. Upcoming election/budget vote
3. Communication council next steps/recommendations
4. Unfinished Business
5. New Business.
6. Adjourn
Minimalist Agenda (very minimalist)
I suppose this agenda meets minimum requirements, but I would hope that an agenda for a meeting of a public body would give people at least some idea about what matters are to be discusses.
“New Business,” says absolutely nothing. I think it would better serve the community to list, under “New Business,” the topic to be dealt with. Isn’t that the purpose of warning a meeting?
small correction
I suppose this agenda meets minimum requirements, but I would hope that an agenda for a meeting of a public body would give people at least some idea about what matters are to be discussed.
“New Business,” says absolutely nothing. I think it would better serve the community to list, under “New Business,” the topic to be dealt with. Isn’t that the purpose of warning a meeting?