Communications Council for the Windham Southeast School District
The Communications Council of the WSESD will meet on Thursday, August 19, 2021 at 12:00 Noon at the Dummerston School and via Zoom:
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I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes – May 20, 2021
III. Recognition of Visitors
IV. Agenda Additions/Changes
V. Collaborate LC Developmet Support/Recommendations
VI. Review –New School Year Email Sign-Up Lists for Board and Committee Meetings
VII. Review Committee Goals and Future Agenda Topics
VIII. Adjournment
Communications Council for the Windham Southeast School District
The Communications Council of the WSESD
Thursday May 20, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
I. Call to Order 10:07
in attendance Michelle Green, Ruby McAdoo, Robin Morgan and Tim Maciel
II. Approval of Minutes – March 12, 2021
The minutes were approved unanimously
III. Recognition of Visitors
IV. Agenda Additions/Changes
V. Board/Leadership Council Development/Goals
Board needs to be cognizant of the fact that they do not oversee the LCs, the LCs are supposed to be giving feedback to the board. Andy wants to work with administrators to develop this. The Communications Council recommends that leadership councils be led by a community member other than the school’s administrator. On some councils there is difficulty finding enough non-staff community members who are willing to serve. Board members are considering a stipend of $1000 annually to chair an LC. Another idea could also be that each LC is given a $1000 budget to support or increase participation, whether stipends, childcare/dinner, or meeting other needs. There is a need to make clear the distinction between LCs and PTOs.
Tim felt that the LCs should be providing feedback about how to spend the school’s budget.
The Board could consider holding space in their agenda each month (or at some regular interval) to discuss what elements they want feedback from LCs on, and then send those to the LCs as agenda items for their next meetings. They should have some clearly defined goals that come from the board level.
The Communications Council would like to organize an LC summit of chairs and members of the various councils as soon as possible, that could provide clarity and some consistency on the purpose and structure of the LCs.
VI. Website Improvement Recommendations
Michelle is conveying our feedback and that of the LCs to SU leadership as they develop a new website. It should be designed with the lens of communication goals between board/administration and community in mind.
VII. Student Voice Proposal
We would like to talk more at the next meeting about creating a structure for students to provide feedback and needs to the board.
VIII. Schedule Communications Council Monthly Meeting.
Robin will send out a poll to find a time that works for everyone.
IX. Adjournment – meeting was adjourned at 12:04