WSESD Social Justice Committee Agenda and Minutes


Social Justice Committee

53 Green Street

Brattleboro, VT 05301


The Windham Southeast School District Social Justice Committee will meet in person outside of the Green Street School (in case of rain – WSESU Central Office, 53 Green Street) at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 7, 2021 and remotely via Zoom:

Virtual option (Contingent on WIFI access at location)

Meeting ID: 881 0918 3843

Passcode: 3GvEK4


I. CALL TO ORDER – 4:00 p.m. – Thomas Nolan

II. Approval of Minutes – May 26, 2021

III. Discuss Strategies for Ensuring that a Wide, Diverse Field of Candidates is Interviewed for the Superintendent Position

IV. Discuss How the Chosen Candidate can Verifiably Deliver a Diverse Workforce as a Necessary Condition of the Position


Social Justice May 26 2021

Members Present- David Schoales, Thomas Nolan, Jaci Reynolds, Shaun Murphy, Anne Beekman.

Other Board members- Tim Maciel, Liz Adams.

Staff- Andy Skarzynski, Liz Dimick

Public- mark t, Gillian Love Y4 Change, Z Muhammad, trynity, Amit Sharma,

Convened 4:01PM.

1. Mar 23 2021 Minutes approved.

2. Public Comment on-non-agenda items- mark t questioned existence of effective BUHS LC; concerned over executive power and decision-sharing.

3. Progress on Diversifying Staff- Shaun reported success in Guilford; Andy described pressure on available candidates. Postings changed to reflect policy decision to include statement describing our efforts furthering diversity. Want to promote better.

Moved DS, Seconded JR to have Superintendent tell HR Director to forward all job postings to the Communications Council for further dissemination. Passed 6-0.

Liz mentioned Putney realtors are sending listings to the principal to help secure housing for new employees. Question of whether district can own or control housing to provide options needs exploration.

Will be explored during the budgeting process.

Incorporating “Ongoing Commitment” into Academy Project bidding process- bidding qualifications process is underway; criteria include Davis-Bacon regulations which address equity. Board members on Academy Project Team will explore communicating with interested bidders the importance of a “demonstrated commitment to social justice and anti-racism.”

4. REI Groundwater Presentation material shared. Committee asked to explore the ERI website about the Groundwater presentation and consider participating in the program. David will forward REI information.

5. Policy drafts to implement “Ongoing Commitment”- Need to specify the goals of the OC in policy discussed. Andy outlined many challenges. David will work with the A and P Committee to prepare presentation to the Board in the future.

Action- moved and seconded that the process for discussing the SRO be presented in writing to the board by Thursday, June 3 in time to include in the Warning Materials for the June 8 meeting. Approved 4-0.

Adjourned 4:37

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