Weekend Creativity Series: John Cleese

One of the challenges of being creative is finding space, time, and confidence to create.

Confidence is quite important. We all have to get over fears of making mistakes, including our fears of the blank page, the rough draft, or getting into a rut.

Most creative people I talk to tend to notice their previous mistakes, while those around them don’t see those mistakes. Can we every really be confident about our own creations?

There’s also the question of what sort of mistakes we might feel we are making. In some cases, we should be proud to be at such a high level in our craft to be able to worry about “advanced” mistakes in our work. In other words, it takes great time and effort to be able to reach the point where we are able to make certain mistakes.

Here, John Cleese gives a lecture on being creative, the creative process and the two modes in which he finds himself working. The first is a wide open, abstract view of a problem to ponder possibilities, and the other is a closed, narrow, and precise view aimed at solving it.


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