On Exhibit! at Brooks Memorial Library in November.
Mezzanine Walls above MAIN FLOOR: Brattleboro Camera Club, “Getting from A to B,” photographs illustrating how we move from one place to another in our daily lives.
SECOND FLOOR-CHILDREN’S BOOK ILLUSTRATORS CASE: Seasonal exhibit by Brattleboro illustrator John Steven Gurney, Over the River and Through the Woods and The Night Before Christmas.
MEZZANINE-LOCAL HISTORY ROOM WINDOWS: left Abenaki artifacts collected locally; right Glass and ceramic vases from the Loud Collection.
MEZZANINE CASE and SECOND FLOOR ENTRYWAY: Brattleboro Mineralogical Society, varieties (species) of zeolites.
Exhibits are accessible during regular library hours: Mon.-Wed. 10-9; Thur.-Fri. 10-6; & Sat. 10-5.
The Brooks Memorial Library houses an extensive permanent art collection, including works by Daniel Chester French, Larkin Mead, and William Morris Hunt, among others. There are also artifacts from history and pre-history: come and see the mammoth tusk! Visitors are invited to take the self-guided fine arts walking tour. Tour pamphlets are available on both floors.
The Library also offers changing exhibits of the work of children’s illustrators in the exhibit cases outside the Children’s Room. For more information about exhibiting work, exhibit coordinator contact info and more information about fine art and exhibits at the Library, visit the library art and exhibits web page.
Library Exhibits for November
Mezzanine Walls above MAIN FLOOR: Brattleboro Camera Club, “Getting from A to B,” photographs illustrating how we move from one place to another in our daily lives.
MEZZANINE-LOCAL HISTORY ROOM WINDOWS: left Abenaki artifacts collected locally; right Glass and ceramic vases from the Loud Collection.
MEZZANINE CASE and SECOND FLOOR ENTRYWAY: Brattleboro Mineralogical Society, varieties (species) of zeolites.
SECOND FLOOR-CHILDREN’S BOOK ILLUSTRATORS CASE: Seasonal exhibit by Brattleboro illustrator John Steven Gurney, Over the River and Through the Woods and The Night Before Christmas. http://www.johnstevengurney.com/
Exhibits are accessible during regular library hours: Mon.-Wed. 10-9; Thur.-Fri. 10-6; & Sat. 10-5.
The Brooks Memorial Library houses an extensive permanent art collection, including works by Daniel Chester French, Larkin Mead, and William Morris Hunt, among others. There are also artifacts from history and pre-history: come see the mammoth tusk! Visitors are invited to take the self-guided fine arts walking tour. Tour pamphlets are available on both floors.
The Library also offers changing exhibits throughout the year, featuring work by local artists on the main floor and work by children’s illustrators in the exhibit cases outside the Children’s Room. For more information about exhibiting work, please contact Christine deVallet, the Library’s public art coordinator. Exhibitors are required to complete a pdfPublic Exhibit Application.
For more information about fine art and exhibits at the Library, go to this web page. http://brookslibraryvt.org/about/fine-art-and-exhibits.