Help Save the Brattleboro Town Arts Fund!

Hello Friends,

We are writing with an important update about the Town Arts Fund program and a request for your support and advocacy.

You may be aware that the Town of Brattleboro eliminated funding for the Town Arts Fund program in the proposed FY26 budget. This decision was made by the Selectboard in January without much discussion about the merits or impact of the program. The Arts Council relies on the Town of Brattleboro as the primary source of funding for TAF, and without the Town’s support, it is unlikely we can continue to maintain this program.

The following letter was shared with the Selectboard and Town Manager last month, and provides more context about the program, its history and impact. Link to Selectboard Letter.

We are planning to make a motion at Representative Town Meeting on Saturday, March 22, requesting restoration of at least partial funding for the program. A motion will be made during the general budget discussion (Article 12). We’re reaching out to friends, past grantees, and supporters of art and community in Brattleboro, to speak in support of the program at RTM once the motion is made.

Over the past five years, TAF has received a total of 154 grant applications, and has awarded grants to 53 creative initiatives, representing a wide range of local artists, creative workers, organizations, projects, and creative potential. TAF has supported collaborative, community-minded, creative projects that would not otherwise have been possible; helping to ensure that artists and creative workers are compensated for their time and work and sharing much needed joy, connection, and solace within our community.

How you can help:

  • As a community member, consider speaking at Representative Town Meeting in support of the motion to restore TAF funding
  • If you are a Town Meeting Rep, consider voting in support of the motion to restore funding
  • If you are not able to attend RTM, consider emailing or speaking with your district RTM reps about your support for TAF

Please reach out with any questions or suggestions.

In solidarity,

Sharon Fantl and Chrissy Lee, TAF co-coordinators

Arts Council of Windham County

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