Windham Southeast Supervisory Union Board
53 Green Street, Brattleboro VT 05301
The Windham Southeast Supervisory Union Board will meet at 6:00 PM on
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 in the Windham Regional Career Center, Cusick
Conference Room, 80 Atwood St, Brattleboro VT, and remotely via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 885 1787 6782 Passcode: 6zbq7s
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Meeting ID: 885 1787 6782 Passcode: 404552
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All newly elected school directors must take their Oath of Office prior to participation in the meeting.
I. Call to order – Mark Speno, Superintendent
II. Nominations
A. Nominations/Election of Board Chair __________________________
B. Nominations/Election of Board Vice-Chair _________________________
C. Nominations/Election of Board Clerk _________________________
D. Establish Meeting Days/Time __________________________
III. Consent Agenda
– Approval of minutes February 12, .2025
– Finance
IV. Administrative Report
– Updates
– New hires/retirements/resignations
V. Presentation
– What is our Supervision/Evaluation Process to ensure quality staff for our students?
VI. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
VII. Other Business
Presented for adoption: (warned 01/15)
● E14 Environmental Awareness and Responsibility
● F26 Participation of Home Study Students in School Programs and Activities
Warrant of February 12, 2025
WSESU FAST 1157 in the amount of $6,106.26
WSESU FAST 1158 in the amount of $1,916.88
PUTNEY NUTRITION FAST 1159 in the amount of $2,075.98
WSESU FAST 1163 in the amount of $103,084.53
WSESU FAST 1164 in the amount of $9,867.36
PUTNEY NUTRITION 1165 in the amount of $2,031.88
WSESU 1166 in the amount of $551,227.86
Total Accounts Payable $676,310.75
Payroll #16 of 2/07/25 in the amount of $657,486.40
Warrant of February 26, 2025
WSESU FAST 1167 in the amount of $171,024.19
WSESU FAST 1168 in the amount of $404.54
WSESU FAST 1173 in the amount of $887.20
WSESU FAST 1174 in the amount of $32,737.21
PUTNEY NUTRITION 1175 in the amount of $540.20
WSESU REGULAR 1176 in the amount of $153,336.73
Total Accounts Payable $358,930.07
Payroll #17 of 2/21/25 in the amount of $670,478.07
● F42 Student Dress Code – Presented for a second reading:
● G1 Curriculum Development and Coordination
● G13 Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources and the Internet – Presented for a first reading:
● C3 Public Participation at Board Meetings (Adopted by WSESD 01/28/2025)
● D6 Substitute Teachers (Adopted by WSESD 01/28/2025)
VIII. Adjourn
Executive Session (if needed)
Date change
Now March 19….