Thank You, Brattleboro Voters!

I am proud of Brattleboro voters who showed up on Election Day in unusually high numbers. At a moment when our country faces unprecedented challenges, the people of Brattleboro made clear they want a town we all can afford, a town where our young people can play safely, where we all have a warm place to sleep at night, and where we treat one another well. I congratulate my fellow candidates for putting themselves out there in this moment of political turmoil, and to Franz Reichsman and Richard Davis for their current service on the selectboard.
Our campaign engaged people in the political process. Highschool students and people in the state motel voucher program voted for the first time. People with different political leanings talked to each other. We shared our values and incorporated voters’ concerns into our priorities.
I am glad that we were able to connect with so many residents. We knocked on doors in all three districts, gathered neighbors together for house parties, and connected with people all over town. We talked about the challenges, and we shared our love for Brattleboro.
In the months ahead, I look forward to working with my fellow new selectboard members — Amanda Thurber and Oscar Heller — the rest of the selectboard, Representative Town Meeting, and our fellow Brattleboro residents, to strengthen our town. No matter your political views, or how you voted, I am committed to serving all of you. I look forward to seeing you out there!

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