Hey, candidates for the 2025 Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting. There are a lot of you this year. It is exciting. People want to know who you are and what distinguishes you from the others running. We’ve gotten emails asking for information about you.
You are, as always, invited to use this site to announce your candidacy and to introduce yourselves. It could be close, and every vote is important.
You can add a quick announcement as a new story or add a comment below. And best of luck!
Representative Town Meeting candidate
Hey District 7 voters!
My name is Ruth Gorham Houle and I’m running for RTM in district 7. I am 65 years old, married, retired and have lived in Brattleboro since 1977.
Politics is a new venture for me. Why now? Because the town needs to be fiscally responsible and my feeling is with the tax increases over the past few years, this isn’t the case.
This for me is the biggest issue.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Candidate reminder
Reminder that readers are asking for info about candidates, if you’d like to introduce yourself.