Drug Enforcement Agency Hearing to Consider Moving Marijuana Cannabis to Schedule 3 is Stalled

The D.E.A. (Drug Enforcement Agency) Hearing about Re-Scheduling of Marijuana Cannabis from Schedule 1 to Schedule 3 is Stalled!
submitted by Cris Ericson on January 17, 2025

https://www.dea.gov/drug-information/csa CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT


“January 15, 2025
Hearing on the Proposed Rescheduling of Marijuana Postponed
DEA Headquarters Division – Public Information Office
WASHINGTON – The hearing scheduled to begin on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, regarding the proposed rescheduling of marijuana has been postponed pending resolution of an appeal filed by a party in the proceedings.
The order is available on DEA.gov.”


In the above document, some of the entities which were allowed to participate in the NPRM, the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking hearing, as parties in the proceeding, filed a request to Drug Enforcement Agency Administrative Law Judge John J. Mulroney, and he used their request to stall the whole entire proceedings to an unknown future date.

Now, what’s frustrating is that many people applied to be allowed to participate in the Hearing (applied to be a party in the proceedings) because it was supposed to be accessible to the public, but most of us were denied participation, including me, Cris Ericson, a perennial political candidate and marijuana legalization activist, and also Dennis Schuller of the Marijuana Legal Now party of Minnesotta , and also, Gary Stein let me know a group he is associated with, Curaleaf, was excluded from participation.

Anne Milgram, Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Agency is out of a job on January 20, 2025 when President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in to Office and gets to appoint his own choice of Administrator.



Because the proceedings are stalled and I don’t know what the rules are, I sent an email to some of the selected participants and Julie I. Hamilton, Deputy Chief Counsel for the D.E.A., and titled my email “Judicial Notice” and complained about exclusion from the proceedings;
and then I sent another email today titled “2nd Judicial Notice by Cris Ericson”:

2nd JUDICIAL NOTICE by Cris Ericson Jan. 17, 2025
to thinkon908, julie.l.hamilton, spennington, nkomyati, khurshid, ir, AKline, t.swain, smpesquire, Kelly.Fair, Rafe.Petersen, charrington, eric.hamilton, voegtlin, afna.org, Reed.Smith, mzorn, gsteinmph

To clarify why we should consider what is written in
the Holy Bible, Genesis 1 Verse 29,
God gave us every seed bearing plant;
we must realize that the Drug Enforcement Agency is
aiding and abetting foreign terrorism,
when you include in the definition of foreign terrorism,
a foreign country
attempting to take over our food or medicine system.
(Listen to today’s Senate Confirmation Hearing for the
proposed Homeland Security Secretary.)

In the Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111 (1942)
case, the Supreme Court of the United States of
America decided that the interests of the wealthy
corporate farmers was more important than the
right of small family farms to produce their own food
and feed their own farm animals. This proves the
Supreme Court of the United States of America
is corrupt and treasonous to the security of the citizens.
The Court limited
the amount of wheat a farmer could grow.
This eventually resulted in hundreds of thousands of
small family farms going out of business and
the eventual creation of the (SNAP) food stamp program.

Now, most states which have legalized
cannabis marijuana have restricted the amount
an individual can grow for their own use. This
means that some people with health conditions
that require more marijuana cannabis than the
state law allows them to grow for themselves,
must buy it.

The Drug Enforcement Agency has allowed
Village Farms International to participate in this
hearing to regulate the law for citizens of the
United States of America, even though they
are Canadian.
This is UnConstitutional and treasonous.

Not only are the political action committees and
Lobbyists for the cannabis marijuana industry paying
political campaign contributions to candidates
who are in favor of state laws limiting the number
of plants a person can grow for themselves,
they are making sure that profits go to foreign
owned companies, allowing them to control some
of the food and medicine supply in the U.S.A.

Cris Ericson
879 Church Street
Chester, Vt 05143

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