Here’s your seasonal spot to write up little things that might be worth a sentence. What have you noticed recently in the Brattleboro area?
- Winter has kicked off with most of the late autumn snow and ice melting away. It is Dec 30 and near 50 degrees.
Driveway ice melted
The warm spell has made the formerly ice-coated driveway much nicer; don’t have to put the truck into 4WD now just to get in and out! Now it can get colder again, and some snow (as opposed to ice or freezing rain) would be fine.
Rite Aid in a somewhat sorry state
The turnover has been exceptional and, pacing the aisles today. many shelves are barren.
It sure feels like it’s going out of business.
Talked with staff
They just came out of bankruptcy reorganization. Now comes the long slog of getting back in sync with vendors and restocking. And meanwhile doing some tidying and rearranging while there’s not a lot to rearrange.
Trusting the ice
I meant to mention this days ago… quite a few actual ice huts again this year. Not the wimpy little tents but the real things on Retreat meadows.
This is subject to change at any moment, of course. : )
Ice hut update
The cold holds.
We may be approaching a record number of people enjoying Retreat Meadow this year… the ice huts are solid and prolific, there are people out skating on real ice, dogs are running around, and lots of traffic in the area.
Chilly Willy
It was -14F at 5:45 this morning. I think the ice is good for now. lol
Real snow ski jumping?
For the first time in while it looks as if the ski jump hill may get to use real snow. From clouds. Maybe.
There is one storm forecast before then, with snow and sleet and freezing rain expected, and another on Saturday eve/Sunday. Temps stay low until Sunday, though.
There was a fair amount of activity today (Tuesday prior) – machines smoothing the hill and other people getting things set up for the jumping this weekend.