WSESD Independent Budget Review Committee Oct 9, 2024 Meeting Minutes

WSESD Independent Budget Review Committee
Minutes for the October 9, 2024 meeting

Members present Ellie Solomon, Maggie Foley, Rich Leavy, Kristina Naylor

Call to order 5:20 at the Austine School Room 218.

Public Comment: Martha Noyes Brattleboro Resident brought up concerns about the current budget levels.

1. Introduction of members. Members introduced themselves and their backgrounds.

2. Election of chair and secretary.

Maggie nominated Kristina for Chair, motion was seconded by Ellie. The vote was unanimous. On a motion by Ellie seconded Kristina, Maggie was unanimously elected secretary.

3. Training -committee discussed Training with Frank on the chart of accounts. The IBRC committee will plan a funding formula training in the upcoming weeks.

4. Kristina will schedule future meetings and reach out to the Finance Committee to determine their upcoming schedule.

5. On a motion by Kristina, the Committee adjourned at 6:19.

Respectfully submitted by Kristina Naylor

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