Many News Media In Vermont Are Reporting On the Homeless Crisis, Here Are My Ideas For Solutions

Many news sources in Vermont are reporting on the homeless crisis. People are being kicked out of hotels or motels they have stayed in because there is a new cut-off limit of 80 days.

I have added up how much money the state of Vermont spends, and in this video I offer alternative ideas to solve the problem that we are violating the United States Constitution, in my opinion, because twice in the U.S. Constitution it says the purpose is to promote the general welfare.

If you add up the amount per person the state of Vermont has been spending
to shelter and house homeless Vermonters, and innocent children, and figure for
80 days because that is the new limit, and then add the cost of
one night in a hospital if someone gets pneumonia or hypothermia
or frost bite, which could lead to gang green infections and amputations,
or antibiotic resistant infections, etc.
and compare it with my ideas for housing people and children
who are so vulnerable right now because
we are so close to having temperatures below freezing at night,
and not everyone can withstand those temperatures no matter
how snuggled they are into a sleeping bag in a tent,
I think you might agree that my ideas for housing the homeless
are far more cost-effective.

Please listen and give my ideas a fair hearing.
“October 2024 Vermont Homeless Crisis” by Cris Ericson

Comments | 1

  • People on social media keep asking me, "Why don't you take them in"?

    Brian Fuller
    Cris Ericson open up your home.
    Cris Ericson
    Brian Fuller, My objective is to find homes for 1,000 Vermonters with their children, and I do not have the capacity to do that myself, so I am asking the elected officials and Governor of Vermont to do it. This is a job for government because an individual homeowner can not take the risk of property damage and can not take the cost of high insurance prices to cover tennants who do not pay rent, and an individual homeowner can not afford to pay for lawyers every time a person claims they fell down on ice anywhere on a private property, etc. This is a job for government, not for an individual. If you invite homeless people into your home they could drive up the cost of electricity more than you can afford, they could plug up the toilet, etc. They are homeless because someone else kicked them out. Housing the homeless is a job for government. I am only making suggestions.

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