The Other Presidential Candidates

November election ballots arrived in the mail and there are some candidates that are lesser known. I know many of you are going to vote for one of the two major party candidates, but it doesn’t hurt to see what those other folks would like to do.  Here’s your guide to the other names and parties on the ballot, and issues they care about.

Claudia de la Cruz and Karina Garcia, Socialism & Liberation

“End Capitalism before it ends us. We will end the rule of the billionaires once and for all” is the big message of the “Vote Socialist” campaign site homepage.  Their plan:

  • Seize the Biggest 100 Corporations, Create A New Economy for the People
  • Overthrow the Dictatorship of the Rich — Build a Democracy That Serves the Working Class
  • End the Rule of Money and Lock Up the Corrupt Elite
  • End All U.S. Aid to Apartheid Israel. End the Genocide and Free Palestine
  • Cut the Military Budget by 90% — Peace, Not War with China & Russia!
  • End the War on Black America!
  • Defend Women’s Rights, Full Equality for LGBTQ People
  • Save the Planet from Capitalism

Each item has more details. For example, the first one:

“The 100 largest corporations in America should be seized from their billionaire owners and turned into public property – owned by the working class that created their vast wealth in the first place. This could serve as the foundation for a total reorganization of the economy in a way that guarantees that everyone in society will have their basic needs met, massively rebuild urban and rural infrastructure, and bring down prices and rents. 

Quality healthcare, education through college and beyond, free childcare, decent housing and a living wage with union representation would become constitutional rights. A form of “card check” unionization would be enacted that certifies a union immediately after a majority of employees in a given workplace express their desire to do so. Immigrant workers – who are fleeing horrific conditions caused largely by U.S. corporations and politicians – should be given legal status and brought into unions so that solidarity prevails instead of a “race to the bottom” in wages.  With the hospitals and pharmaceutical companies under the control of the people, they would provide care for free. Evictions would be banned, and rent capped at no more than 10% of a person’s income. Inflation would be eliminated with an across-the-board price freeze. All income and assets over ten million dollars would be subject to a 100% tax – with no exceptions or loopholes – as would all offshore corporate profits. All debt from student loans, bail bonds, medical and utility bills would be canceled. ”

Rachelle Fruit & Dennis Richter, Socialist Workers

They don’t seem to have a web site but Richter is quoted as saying ““…when workers engage in struggle, that’s when we discover our capacities and our self-worth. Today, many workers are in a mood to fight.”  The party is only on the ballot in a handful of states with Vermont being one of them.  Wikipedia says “Fruit and Richter have expressed strong support for Israel in the Israel-Hamas War and have branded themselves as working-class candidates.”

Robert F Kennedy & Nicole Shanahan, We the People

He’s the Kennedy the other Kennedy’s distance themselves from and she is a tech attorney from California. They’ve dropped out but the names remain on the ballot. Kennedy would very much like to get zero votes.

Chase Oliver and Mike Ter Maat, Libertarian

Their “Chase Your Dreams” campaign web site proclaims “Chase Oliver and Mike ter Maat are on a mission to remove government barriers that stand in the way of your dreams. Be part of the movement—help us break down these obstacles and make your aspirations a reality!”  Their issues are:


Not a lot of details, but they say things such as:

  • reduce government interference and let individuals decide how to spend their hard-earned money, sparking real innovation.
  • simplify the process so immigrants can come, work, and thrive as part of our communities. Immigrants built America, and they’re key to its future.
  • embracing market-driven options like Direct Primary Care and reforming drug approval processes, we can lower prices and increase access. 
  • Abolish the Department of Education, return funds to states and taxpayers, and get the government out of student loans to drive down costs.
  • It’s time to pivot to a foreign policy focused on peace. We need to end drone strikes and military interventions, and instead champion free trade and international goodwill. Let’s reclaim our role as the ‘leader of the free world’ by pursuing peace and serving as a beacon of hope.
  • and more…

Cornell West and Melina Abdullah, Peace and Justice

The West campaign web site says that “We need visionary and courageous presidential leadership” and that the campaign has a “commitment to fighting for a society and world based on justice, equality, and the empowerment of poor and working class people of all colors. The campaign is all about Justice:

Black Maternal Justice

Child Justice

Disability Justice

Economic Justice

Education Justice

Elder Justice

Environmental Justice

Gender Justice

Global Justice

Gun Violence Justice

Health Justice

Immigration Justice

LGBTQIA+ Justice

Racial Justice

Transformative Justice

Voter Justice

Worker Justice

Each of these “pillars” has further detail. For example, here is Elder Justice:

“Rooted deeply in the principles of Truth, Justice, and Love, the Cornel West for President campaign is proud to unveil the Elder Justice Pillar. This initiative embodies our steadfast dedication to uplifting our senior community’s dignity, well-being, and rights. By honoring our elders’ wisdom, experiences, and contributions, we commit to ensuring their later years are marked by respect, care, and security. The Elder Justice Pillar pledges to:

  • Combat Abuse and Neglect: Strengthening defenses against elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation is paramount. We vow to bolster legal protections and resources for prevention and intervention, fostering a society that actively protects its elders.
  • Ensure Healthcare Access: We champion the right of every senior to access comprehensive, affordable healthcare tailored to their needs. Our vision includes a healthcare system that respects elder autonomy and offers personalized care, from preventive services to chronic disease management and palliative care.
  • Guarantee Economic Security: Achieving economic justice means ensuring financial stability for our seniors through robust pensions, secure savings, and supportive social systems. We envision a society where elders enjoy a standard of living that affords dignity, comfort, and full participation in community life.
  • Foster Inclusion and Participation: Celebrating and engaging our seniors goes beyond mere care. We are committed to creating opportunities for elders to contribute to and engage with their communities, valuing their voices in all societal and political spheres.
  • Support Age-Friendly Environments: We pledge to advocate for developing accessible, secure, and senior-friendly environments. We aim to promote housing and community spaces that accommodate our elders’ independence and care needs.
  • Empower Caregivers: Recognizing the crucial role of caregivers, we propose comprehensive support measures, including education, respite care, and financial assistance, to ensure caregivers can provide the best possible care while maintaining their own well-being.
  • Embrace Technology for Elder Care: It is essential to advance the use of technology to improve senior lives. We will promote accessible and user-friendly technological solutions, such as telehealth and assistive devices, to enhance elder connectivity and care.
  • Adopt an Intersectoral Approach: True elder justice demands collaboration across healthcare, housing, finance, and social services. We advocate for policy development and implementation through intersectoral collaboration, ensuring a holistic support system for our elders.

In embodying the Elder Justice Pillar, the Cornel West for President campaign pledges to honor the legacies of our elders and ensure their protection and reverence. Our campaign’s core values of Truth, Justice, and Love guide our vision for a society that deeply respects its elders, recognizing them as pillars of wisdom, history, and humanity. Together, we strive to ensure justice and love inform our collective journey toward a more compassionate and equitable world for all ages.”


There is also space to write others in that you want to be President and Vice President.

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