Citizens Police Communications Committee ( CPCC ) Meeting Agenda Sept 25

Citizens Police Communications Committee ( CPCC )
September 25th, 2024 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Brooks Memorial Library
Mezzanine Level Meeting Room


1. Call to Order and Review Minutes from June 26th 2024 and approve and go over Roberts Rules briefly.

2. Discuss Complaints and Compliments from June 26th 2024 meeting any additional questions from last months review of Complaints and Compliments to determine final or continued decisions.

3. Go over any New Complaints and Compliments from BPD.

4. Introduction of with new members of the Committee and discussion of our mission statement and what we do as a committee, including our expectations and limitations.

5. Gary and Jaki will give a run down of their tour of the BPD and we’ll open for questions.

6. In June of 2023 Assist. Chief Evans added a memo to the communications back to complainants letting them know that their Complaint Form will be shared with the CPCC if they wish and advise them of the next CPCC meeting in case they would like to appear in person. Are there other steps that can be taken to make it clear to complainants of this option? What can we do to facilitate CPCC receiving the actual complaints.

7. Other Topics and plans for next month’s meeting for October 23rd 2024 meeting.

8. Adjourn till month October 23rd 2024 5:30pm.

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