Windham Southeast School District Policy and Amendment Committee Meeting Agenda

Windham Southeast School District Policy and Amendment Committee Meeting

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at 2:00pm
in the WSESU Central Office, 53 Green Street, Brattleboro

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AGENDA – 9/25/2024

I. Approval of Minutes from 9/11/24

II. Review of F21 Policy on Restraint and Seclusion (2:00)

Invited Attendees: Tate Erickson, Matt Schibley, Liz Adams, Seth O’Connor
Review of F29 English Learners / Multilingual Learners
Invited Attendees: Deb Coombs, Jen Course

III. Establish policy priorities moving forward (2:40)

BREAK (2:55)

IV. Evaluate (3:00)
● G6 Complaints About Instructional Materials
● C8 Board Relations with School Personnel

● C7 Board Relations with the Administration
● D11 Public Complaints About Personnel
● C3 Public Participation at Board Meetings
● Gender Freedom in Schools – Proposed new policy
● F34 Transgender and Gender Creative Students Policy

V. On Hold
● F37 District Equity Policy
● F28 Student Athletics, Clubs, and Activities – A rewrite of F28 and F33
● G4 Selection of Library Materials
● G5 Selection of Instructional Materials
● H4 Distribution of Non-School Sponsored Literature in the School
● H6 Annual School Reports
● B2 Board Goal-Setting and Self-Evaluation
● B3 Board Member Conflict of Interest
● E12 Electronic Communications Use and Retention

Set Agenda for next meeting

Next Meeting: October 9, 2024

Meeting to conclude at 4:00.

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