WSESD Board Meeting Agenda Sept 24, 2024

53 Green Street Brattleboro, VT 05301


The Windham Southeast School District Board will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 24, 2024
at the Putney Central School 182 Westminster Road, Putney, Vermont and remotely via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 890 2475 8446 Passcode: uZyPR2
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 890 2475 8446
Passcode: 823859
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Phone instructions: *6 mute/unmute *9 raise/lower hand


I. Call to Order [6:00 to 6:05]
– If appropriate, agenda items are subject to Potential Action.
– If any Board Member feels that an item on the Consent Agenda warrants discussion, that item
will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be set aside for discussion. In this way the
Consent Agenda will be approved in one motion. That request should be made now – or
before the vote on the Consent Agenda.
– Amendments to the Agenda

II. Student Matters [10 minutes]

III. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items [10 minutes]

This is a time for the Board to listen and to take notes. It is not a time for the Board to respond
to comments or to engage in dialogue with the public. If appropriate – the Board and
Administration will work on next steps.

IV. Board Matters [Total 90 minutes]
A. Dummerston LC requires evaluation of protocols and procedures as they relate to

1) Communications between Board Chair and Superintendent 9/5, 9/6
2) Public Comment on Non-Agenda items at 9/10/24 Board Meeting.
3) Potential violations of Open Meeting Law (OML) and Code of Ethics/Conduct

The following links refer to policies that may apply or may be tangential
● B3 Board Member Conflict of Interest
● C3 Public Participation at Board Meetings
● C7 Board Relations with the Administrators
● C8 Board Relations with School Personnel
● D11 Public Complaints About Personnel
● G6 Complaints about Instructional Materials
● H4 Distribution of Non-School Sponsored Literature in the Schools [30 minutes] Action Anticipated

B. Leadership Council Updates [5 minutes]
C. Board Sub-Committees [5 Minutes]
D. Review of Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) as presented at 9/10 Summit [20 minutes]

Action Required

Break [10 minutes]

E. Update from the Panorama Task Force [15 minutes] Action Anticipated
F. Impact of Cell phones at BUHS and other school sites [10 minutes]
G. Student Advisory Committee in relation to other student groups at BUHS [15 minutes]
H. Other Business

V. Administrative Report [Total 35 minutes]
A. Principal Reports regarding proposals to reduce budget by 2% by school site [10 minutes]
B. Update on safety measures in place at BAMS and BUHS – hallways, locker rooms, and bathrooms. [10 minutes]

VI. Fiscal Report [Total 20 minutes]
A. Final ESSR Report
B. Tuition Forecast with Enrollment
C. Consideration of development of annual budget that reflects multiple scenarios

VII. Consent Agenda [5 minutes]
Approval of Minutes from August 27, 2024, September 10, 2024

VIII. New Business
Any Other Topic for New Business

IX. Unfinished Business [5]
Policy and Amendment presents the following for a 2nd Reading:

• F1 Student Conduct and Discipline

X. Executive Session (If needed)

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