Windham Southeast School District Policy and Amendment Committee Meeting Agenda

Windham Southeast School District Policy and Amendment Committee Meeting

Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 2:00pm
in the WSESU Central Office, 53 Green Street, Brattleboro

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AGENDA – 8/14/2024

I. Approval of Minutes from 6/26/24

II. Update
– Policies presented at 8/13/24 SD Board Meeting
– F1 Student Conduct and Discipline
– F28 Student Athletics, Clubs, and Activities
A rewrite of F28 and F33
– F29 English Learners / Multilingual Learners

III. Evaluate
– F37 District Equity Policy
– Gender Freedom in Schools – Proposed new policy

F34 Transgender and Gender Creative Students Policy

– G4 Selection of Library Materials
– G5 Selection of Instructional Materials
– G6 Complaints About Instructional Materials
– H4 Distribution of Non-School Sponsored Literature in the Schools
– H6 Annual School Reports
– C3 Public Participation at Board Meetings
– B3 Board Member Conflict of Interest

Set Agenda for next meeting

Potential Policies for Future Agenda

F21 Policy on the Use of Restraint and Seclusion
E12 Electronic Communications Use and Retention
D15 Travel Reimbursement
B2 Board Goal-Setting and Self-Evaluation
E16 Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Procurement
E18 Capitalization of Assets

Next Meeting: August 28, 2024

Meeting to conclude at 4:00.

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