WSESD Board Meeting Agenda – Aug 13, 2024


53 Green Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301

The Windham Southeast School District Board will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 13,
2024 – in person at the WRCC Cusick Conference Room, and remotely via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 890 2475 8446 Passcode: uZyPR2
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Meeting ID: 890 2475 8446
Passcode: 823859
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Phone instructions: *6 mute/unmute *9 raise/lower hand

I. Call to Order [5 minutes]

-If appropriate, agenda items are subject to Potential Action.
-If any Board Member feels that an item on the Consent Agenda warrants discussion, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be set aside for discussion. In this way, the Consent Agenda will be approved in one motion. That request should be made now – or before the vote on the Consent Agenda.
-Amendments to the Agenda

II. Student Matters [5-10 minutes]


III. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items [5-10 minutes]
This is a time for the Board to listen and to take notes. It is not a time for the Board to
respond to comments or to engage in dialogue with the public. If appropriate – the
Board and Administration will work on next steps.
IV. Board Matters [Total = 55 minutes]
A. Leadership Council Updates [5 Minutes]
B. Board Sub-Committees [5 Minutes]
C. Update on Farm-to-Table Conference [Ruby McAdoo – 10 minutes]
D. Updates from the 6/18/24 Admin/Board Retreat [15 minutes]
E. Board to reassume approval of all Hires, Resignations, and Retirements [6/4 minutes]
Action Required
F. Board to reassume approval of all Finance and Budgetary Decisions [6/4 minutes]

Action Required
G. Announcements:
– VSBA Annual Conference Oct. 24-25 (Registration is now open). Note that the agenda has been changed to an earlier start on the 24th in order to include a workshop
– Other Announcements

H. Other Business

Break [10 minutes]

V. Administrative Report [15 minutes]

VI. Consent Agenda [5 minutes]

A. Minutes from June 25, 2024, July 9, 2024, July 22, 2024

B. Warrants & Payrolls

Warrant of June 3, 2024
ACH Card Pmnt 5/7/24 $ 57,727.55
Warrant No. 1420 in the amount of $ 1,680.00
Warrant No. 1421 in the amount of $ 13,528.00
Warrant No. 1427 in the amount of $ 51,850.00
Warrant No. 1428 in the amount of $ 100.00
Warrant No. 1429 in the amount of $ 850.00
Warrant No. 1432 in the amount of $ 1,608.00
Warrant No. 1433 in the amount of $ 2,142.48
Warrant No. 1434 in the amount of $ 1,003,553.06
Total Accounts Payable $ 1,133,039.09
Payrolls May 31, 2024 $ 1,458.800.30
Warrant of June 10, 2024
6/3/24 Arbiter Sports ACH $ 3,148.00

Warrant No. 1435 in the amount of $ 708.00
Warrant No. 1436 in the amount of $ 400.00
Warrant No. 1437 in the amount of $ 3,500.00
Warrant No. 1438 in the amount of $ 150.00
Warrant No. 1439 in the amount of $ 16,240.47
Warrant No. 1441 in the amount of $ 787.70
Warrant No. 1443 in the amount of $ 25,563.00
Warrant No. 1444 in the amount of $ 127,397.47
Warrant No. 1445 in the amount of $ 2,456.49
Warrant No. 1446 in the amount of $ 1,897.50
Warrant No. 1447 in the amount of $ 87,289.07
Total Accounts Payable $ 269,537.70
Warrant of June 17, 2024 $
6/10/24 Arbiter Sports ACH $ 693.00
Warrant No. 1448 in the amount of $ 126,643.90
Warrant No. 1449 in the amount of $ 1,988.40
Warrant No. 1450 in the amount of $ 33,595.00
Warrant No. 1455 in the amount of $ 27,509.93
Warrant No. 1456 in the amount of $ 45,710.00
Warrant No. 1457 in the amount of $ 1,261.00
Warrant No. 1458 in the amount of $ 4,953.35
Warrant No. 1459 in the amount of $ 116,365.85
Total Accounts Payable $ 358,720.43
Payrolls June 14, 2024 $ 1,728,352.50
Warrant of June 24, 2024
Warrant No. 1462 in the amount of $ 18,000.00
Warrant No. 1463 in the amount of $ 3,354.18
Warrant No. 1464 in the amount of $ 180,860.49
Warrant No. 1465 in the amount of $ 341.50
Warrant No. 1466 in the amount of $ 1,659.01
Warrant No. 1467 in the amount of $ 147,368.45
Warrant No. 1468 in the amount of $ 6,900
Warrant No. 1469 in the amount of $ 19,917.89
Warrant No. 1470 in the amount of $ 141,887.17
Total Accounts Payable $ 513,457.69
Warrant of July 1, 2024
ACH Card Pmnt 6/4/24 $ 42,510.44
ACH Card Pmnt 6/11/24 $ 9,403.05
6/24/24 Arbiter Sports ACH $ 228.00
Warrant No. 1471 in the amount of $ 6,000.00
Warrant No. 1472 in the amount of $ 144.76
Warrant No. 1476 in the amount of $ 43,275.39
Warrant No. 1478 in the amount of $ 159,677.74
Warrant No. 1480 in the amount of $ 93.52
Warrant No. 1481 in the amount of $ 54,638.41
Warrant No. 1484 in the amount of $ 194,871.32
Warrant No. 1487 in the amount of $ 15,220.01
Warrant No. 1488 in the amount of $ 119,216.39
Total Accounts Payable $ 645,279.03

Payrolls June 28, 2024 $ 2,336,705.11
Warrant of July 8, 2024
6/28/24 Arbiter Sports ACH $ 228.00
Warrant No. 1002 in the amount of $ 364.94
Warrant No. 1003 in the amount of $ 2,695.80
Warrant No. 1004 in the amount of $ 58,553.60
Warrant No. 1007 in the amount of $ 19,121.03
Warrant No. 1008 in the amount of $ 17,351.45
Total Accounts Payable $ 98,314.82
Warrant of July 8, 2024
Warrant No. 1009 in the amount of $ 23,965.00
Warrant No. 1011 in the amount of $ 20.31
Warrant No. 1012 in the amount of $ 356.81
Warrant No. 1016 in the amount of $ 7,069.02
Warrant No. 1017 in the amount of $ 11,838.67
Warrant No. 1018 in the amount of $ 2,642.00
Warrant No. 1019 in the amount of $ 4,475.62
Warrant No. 1020 in the amount of $ 385.00
Warrant No. 1021 in the amount of $ 18,544.67
Total Accounts Payable $ 17,351.45
Payrolls July 12, 2024 $ 1,434,414.01
Warrant of July 22, 2024
ACH Card Pmnt 6/28/24 $ 13,421.27
Warrant No. 1023 in the amount of $ 2,732.03
Warrant No. 1024 in the amount of $ 73,327.95
Warrant No. 1025 in the amount of $ 1,500.00
Warrant No. 1026 in the amount of $ 81,215.90
Warrant No. 1027 in the amount of $ 32,877.50
Warrant No. 1028 in the amount of $ 3,503.15
Warrant No. 1029 in the amount of $ 65,393.83
Total Accounts Payable $ 273,971.63
Warrant of July 29, 2024
Warrant No. 1030 in the amount of $ 1,200.00
Warrant No. 1031 in the amount of $ 10,420.93
Warrant No. 1032 in the amount of $ 396.00
Warrant No. 1033 in the amount of $ 51,637.81
Warrant No. 1044 in the amount of $ 24,970.71
Warrant No. 1045 in the amount of $ 12,362.82
Warrant No. 1046 in the amount of $ 217.30
Warrant No. 1048 in the amount of $ 4,640.11
Warrant No. 1049 in the amount of $ 133,558.41
Total Accounts Payable $ 239,404.09
Payrolls July 26, 2024 $ 1,481,998.34
Warrant of August 5, 2024
Warrant No. 1051 in the amount of $ 5,660.00
Warrant No. 1052 in the amount of $ 100,502.60
Warrant No. 1055 in the amount of $ 500.00

Warrant No. 1056 in the amount of $ 45,113.96
Total Accounts Payable $ 151,776.56
Payrolls August 2, 2024 $ 6,033.85

VII. New Business

-Any topics for New Business

VIII. Unfinished Business [5 minutes]

A. Policy & Amendment presents the following for 2nd Reading
D4 Education Supervision and Evaluation

B. Policy & Amendment presents the following for Re-Adoption Action Required [10 minutes]:
E14 Environmental Awareness and Responsibility
F4 Searches, Seizures, and Interrogation of Students by School Personnel
F5 Searches, Seizures, and Interrogation of Students by Law Enforcement
Personnel or Other Non-School Personnel
F41 Policy on Section 504 and ADA Grievance Protocol for Students & Staff
G13 Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources and the Internet

C. Any Other Topic for Unfinished Business

IX. Executive Session (If needed)

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