July Rainfall

For my location a dry month with 2.27″ measured compared to the NOAA normal of 4.28″.  The moisture we did receive was evenly spread across the month with 4 being the most completely dry days in a row.  You can see the effects of less rain with lawns starting to turn brown in sunny areas.  Within the CoCoRaHs network my location is the driest in the state for July.

In Windham County there are a couple of stations reporting over 4″ for the month so many locations are not as dry.  Up north it is a different story with near record rainfall.  A station in St. Johnsbury has measured 17.73″ for the month.

For the calendar year my location has received 30.82″ compared to the NOAA normal of 26.41″.  Still above the average but a couple inches less than a month ago.  Note: any rain that falls today after 7am goes into the August 1 report.  My numbers are measured in the South east corner of Brattleboro.


Comments | 5

  • Thanks!

    I would have guessed we were a bit wetter than that, but then again the rivers around here look rather low.

    We’re currently just shy of drought conditions here, according to the drought maps for July 23. Abnormally dry for most of this area.

    I’ve been fairly happy with the rain amounts we’ve gotten so far. Garden is looking good and I can skip hauling the hose around some days.

    (17.73 is too much!)

  • I have a serious problem with this post

    The timing was terrible–statistics purporting to be for the month of July delivered the morning of July 31 and this afternoon there’s substantial rain downtown.

    Unserious. I expect better from those posting under username local.

  • Mills

    Funny or you didn’t read the whole report. We report at 7am give or take each day. Tomorrow is August 1. You can read your gauge each night at midnight if you wish. I will be sleeping.

  • lmao @local

    I need to redefine the meaning of July?
    Funny indeed.

  • Hurricane Season

    Ever since Irene came to town I dread what August may bring. There are mitigating flood plains around now, so that’s a bit reassuring. But still…

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