Windham Southeast Supervisory Union School Board Meeting Minutes — June 12, 2024

Windham Southeast Supervisory Union School Board

Minutes — June 12, 2024

Directors present: Anne Beekman, Kerry Amidon, Tim Maciel, Deborah Stanford, Shaun Murphy

Also present: Mark Speno, Whitney Lynde, Brin Tucker, Paul Smith

(There were no attendees via zoom as of 5:15 pm)

CALL TO ORDER—5:00 p.m. — Anne Beekman

The agenda was amended to add discussion on a VSBA business voting member under new business, using the Personnel committee for summer hires, and ideas on how to better insure follow up on board matters.

There being no changes made to the Consent Agenda, the board approved the Consent Agenda (items listed below) as presented on a motion by Tim Maciel.

Approval of Minutes May 8, 2024
Warrants and Payrolls
Warrant of May 8, 2024
Warrant No. 1222 in the amount of $ 4,678.97
Warrant No. 1223 in the amount of $ 22,774.34
Warrant No. 1226 in the amount of $ 5,218.28
Warrant No. 1227 in the amount of $ 5,359.39
Warrant No. 1228 in the amount of $ 693.38
Warrant No. 1229 in the amount of $ 312,607.18
$ 351,331.54

Payrolls May 3, 2024 $ 601,574.98
Warrant of May 22, 2024
5/7/24 ACH Purchasing Card Statement $ 260.94
Warrant No. 1230 in the amount of $ 3,261.02
Warrant No. 1231 in the amount of $ 274,066.69
Warrant No. 1234 in the amount of $ 161,019.94
Warrant No. 1235 in the amount of $ 44,805.76
Warrant No. 1236 in the amount of $ 1,558.20
Warrant No. 1237 in the amount of $ 332,952.79
$ 817,925.34

Payrolls May 17, 2024 $ 606,288.16

Warrant of June 5, 2024
Warrant No. 1238 in the amount of $ 75,135.69
Warrant No. 1239 in the amount of $ 6,146.75
Warrant No. 1246 in the amount of $ 15,265.00
Warrant No. 1248 in the amount of $ 6,896.62
Warrant No. 1249 in the amount of $ 2,441.89
Warrant No. 1250 in the amount of $ 339,586.37
$ 435,472.32

Payrolls May 31, 2024 $ 531,540.60

FINANCE – there was no report, but the chair did note her receipt of an informational letter sent to her home by VSBIT. The letter was passed along to administration.


Mark requested we hold off on the anticipated CIP Review until after the upcoming board retreat.

Mark gave the board an overview of the process used to evaluate principals including the timeline. Currently the process is at the reflection phase and review of 360 feedback from staff.

Goals are reviewed and set in summer months and early fall. Mark reviewed the competencies of professional practice which was developed for the last school year and being used again.

Mark will reflect this summer on the 2 year process and see if this is the right approach or if edits or changes needed.

The board and administration held a discussion on community engagement, both how to measure and improve.


On a motion by Deborah Stanford, the board accepted with regret the resignation of Jason Goldsmith.

On a motion by Deborah Stanford, the board accepted the following new hires as recommended by administration:

Lori Daugherty – .5 FTE ELL/ML Teacher
Eva Baisan – One-year ELL/ML Teacher
Richard Burbridge – BUHS Special Educator
Meg Chingery – WSESU Math Coach
Lauren Perlstein – Pre-K Teacher- BECC
Tara Sullivan – BUHS Special Educator


A discussion was had around our need to have a voting representative for the upcoming VSBA business meeting on Thursday, October 17th at 6 pm via zoom. Kerry Amidon volunteered and will register for both the prep meeting on September 12th and the business meeting.

On a motion by Tim Maciel, the board voted to authorize the Personnel committee to make hiring decisions during the summer months.

On a motion by Kerry Amidon, the board voted to authorize the chair to approve Warrants and Payroll during summer months.

A discussion was had around the best way to ensure follow up from administration around board requests following presentations. Tim would like a follow up to HHB presentation on strategies to address HHB at the board’s August meeting including specifics around prevention as well as actions taken when issues do occur.


The board presented for a first reading WSESU F41 Policy on Section 504 and ADA.


The board presented for a second reading the following policies:

WSESU E6 Emergency Closings
WSESU E7 Safety & Security of School Facilities
WSESU E8 Tobacco
WSESU F12 Transportation
WSESU G14 Dissection
WSESU G15 Title I

On a motion by Deborah Stanford, the board voted to approve the following policies for adoption:

WSESU D7 Volunteers and Work Study
WSESU F32 Student Distribution of Literature
WSESU F36 Student Freedom of Expression in School Media


On a motion by Kerry Amidon, the board voted to adjourn at 6:23 pm.

Note respectfully submitted,
Kerry Amidon, Clerk

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