Putney Central School Leadership Council Meeting May 9, 2024

Leadership Council Meeting

WHEN: May 9, 2024 at 5pm
WHERE: In Person: at the Putney Central School Library, 183 Westminster Road, Putney

Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 874 9781 2505 Passcode: 501961
Phone In: 1 929 205 6099

1. Call to order

2. Welcome to members and guests
● Members: Jon Sessions, Carolyn Olivier, Nancy Gagnon, Emily Bristol, Liz Adams, Steve Hed, Shannon Chaney
● Guests: Kim Price, Ruby McAdoo

3. Acknowledgement of minutes from April 11, 2024

4. PCS School Report – Jon Sessions
Teacher appreciation week- PTO keeping staff room stocked with food and drinks and snacks for staff
-PCS Principals Awards- Acts of kindness, positive influences on our community, Partnered with Coop to give selected students awards.
-Teachers nominate students monthly, announced at all school assemblies. Is there a way to publish this publicly for the community?
– Teddy Bear Tea for incoming K- mostly current PK students, but some new families joined.
-Public PK numbers are down for the upcoming year.. Every school has openings still for fall.
– PK fliers posted around town, and available at Putney Family Healthcare to handout -8th grade visited the state house. Thanks to the Brattleboro career center we were able to borrow their vehicle for travel!
-3rd grade trout release tomorrow 5/10!
-5/10- PCS is providing dinner for the Putney Community Supper at Next Stage -Willy Wonka- Annual school musical at Landmark Greenhoe theater was a huge success.
-Katy Emond, David Tournoux, Sarah Cassidy, directed the show, and are now taking the cast to NYC for a performance to see the Musical “Six”
– Upcoming Musical Performances: May 22nd- Jamfest. Modern Band where students make their own Rock Bands. Each band will perform a 3-4 song set at Next Stage. 6:00pm.

– Ice Cream Social- Younger grades musical performances paired with our Annual Art Show put on by Wendy Windle. Thursday May 30th @ 6:00.
-Planning 8th Graduation for Monday June 10th
-Last Day June 13th
-Pool Opening early for PCS to use for swim lessons for the last two weeks of school -PCS has a baseball team again for the first time in many years! Devin Rhodes head coaching the team made up of PCS students, a few from Dummerston, and St Michael’s School in Bratt.
-5th grader April Sebold won a New England wide 2 sentence story competition. Part of the CLiF grant, and over 900 students gave submissions

Staffing Changes:
-Aaron Walsh has been teaching 3rd grade- Moving back to original position he was hired for, which is the MS Academic support teacher.
-Mae Knowles 2nd grade teacher- Special Ed teacher in MS
-Tine Biolsi MS Special Ed- Moving to 3rd grade classroom teacher

New Hire:
-New 2nd grade position has been offered pending Board approval.

Sue Vincent has been on a 1 year leave, but is choosing to retire.

Bethany Connelly BCBA

-Job is posted but can be challenging to fill
-Possibility of contracting with a private company to fill the void, and continue implementing the systems and protocols that Bethany has established here.

Family Survey Data: Compares to last time that survey was administered in 2021 and then in comparison to district

71 responses from families

School Climate

School fit

School Safety
-Percentages are considerably higher than other schools in district. Gives us an idea of things we are doing well, and also areas where there is room to strengthen.

-School continuous improvement plan could be an agenda item for the LC -Put out a request for bids for significant roofing projects
– Bids came in higher than anticipated- Gym room and pod rooves are both flat and in need of repair. Getting a lower rate due to the agreement that they can begin while school is still in session.

-26% discount on playground rebuild
-Request for bids for playground remodel
-Hoping to begin build in August, to start on new core structure and continue adding on from there over time.
-Fundraising 25,000 of locally raised money for project to complement the capital plan funds.
-Flooring in hallways needs to be replaced, and looking at new materials that would make more sense for our school climate. Mud and water, and heavy traffic. Looking for nonslip, potentially rubber flooring

Is there a way to have a more robust academic range and experience in MS? Team Models which utilize Aaron Walsh’s new position to enrich academics Also the
idea of offering alternative classes beyond required core classes, that would allow students to opt into more challenging, or more specialized classes.

-Would be a significant change to the PCS MS model history.
-Having a monthly theme of LC to dedicate to the MS changes and options for improvements. Academic enrichment options etc.
– Conversation about MS planners with Carolyn. The need to

5. Principal’s Monthly Topic: Information about School Safety – Jon Sessions
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Clq7_dJjmKLerKvZrBHMO4pRQcDkrJj6ki2N 9N_gvaM/edit?usp=sharing

6. Update from the WSESD Board – Kim Price
-Board retreat in the past month: Taking steps to make meeting shorter -Working on agenda for admin board retreat on June 18th
-Creating calendar for next year
-Working on next continuous improvement plant or district
-On Tuesday at board meeting, the board will review the panoramic climate surveys throughout the district.

7. Update from the WSESD Policy and Amendment Committee – Liz Adams

8. Fundraising for playground with $25,000 goal
Event fundraiser, Grant Search
Establish a focused group to establish fundraising consistency
Adding the element of tradition to fundraising events in the school community

9. Other agenda items carried forward
● Schedule and Plan for district wide Literacy night
● Increasing attendance/interest in membership of the Putney LC
● LC participation in long term planning

10. New business, Open Comments, Questions and Discussion
● Student representation on the Leadership Council – Liz

11. Meeting dates and agenda items for June and summer

Next Meeting: June 12th @ 5:00

10. LC Report to the WSESD Board
● 1 – 3 Things that we celebrate/appreciate this month about our school

● 1 – 3 Important topics discussed at this month’s LC meeting and with our school community

● Communications from the LC members to the WSESD Board
● Questions for the WSESD Board

11. Adjourn

• Time ended 6:35pm

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