Brattleboro Weather Advisory: Potential River Flooding, High Winds and Power Outages Expected

Town staff is monitoring a weather event that is expected to begin later in the day on Dec. 17. Weather forecasts indicate an expected rainfall of 1-3 inches starting this evening and extending possibly through tomorrow and into Tuesday.

This precipitation may result in river flooding due to a combination of rain and snowmelt in higher elevations. Currently, there is no concern for flash flooding. There is also potential for high winds and wind gusts. Residents should be prepared for potential power outages.

Spring-like conditions may cause travel issues on gravel roads. Town staff will continue to monitor the weather and its potential impacts throughout the storm.

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Weather Advisory: Potential River Flooding, High Winds and Power Outages Expected on Dec. 17
Date: Dec. 17, 2023
230 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT
(802) 251-8151

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