Brattleboro Staff Event – Municipal Offices Closed


Town Manager’s Office 230 Main Street Brattleboro, VT 05301
(802) 2518151 FAX (802) 2572322


TO: Local Media Date: August 8, 2023

From: Town Managers Office


For Immediate Release:

All Town offices within the Brattleboro Municipal Center will be closed on Friday, August 11, 20223from 11:00am to 2:30pm for a staff event.

The Brooks Memorial Library will open at 2:30pm on Friday, August 11, 2023.

Comments | 5

  • Do we not have a right to know?

    What is the event?

    Do participants include members of public bodies, such as the Selectboard? Will they be discussing town business at a closed-door meeting?

    Most likely it is something innocuous like a picnic for the workforce, but I think the town should make clear what this event is.

  • "staff" events

    – could be everyone came down with something (staff infection)

    – perhaps it is a jousting match (staffs and quarter staffs)

    – maybe they are making music (musical staffs)

    : )

    More seriously, if 3+ selectboard members show up it needs to be warned.

  • Town Manager Explains

    John Potter
    8:53 AM (4 hours ago)
    to Jessica, Patrick, Christopher, Melanie, Jeff, me

    oh, thanks for reaching out, Steven. this is for the annual employee and retiree appreciation picnic event. i feel that having the management team recognize the great work and long-term service of Town employees is an important part of respect, motivation and retention in the workforce. the Selectboard were invited but not for conducting any Selectboard business, and I expect only one or two might make an appearance — that is why it was noticed as a staff event. appreciate your suggestion.


    [cc Selectboard]

    [Good joke, Chris, “staff infection.”

  • "the Selectboard were invited"

    If all five were really invited that seems like it should be warned.

    1 or 2 might show up? What if 3 show up? It becomes un-warned secret meeting!

    • I hope a representative of the Town responds to cgrotke's observation.

      Sometimes I wonder if town officials feel that dialogue is annoying. I am hopeful that our Town Manager values engaging with citizens, and sees lively discussion as an opportunity to connect, and improve practices.

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