Unofficial Brattleboro General Election Results 2020

Good evening,

Please see attached for the “unofficial results” for Brattleboro’s General election. These are the results from the ballot tallies, not including write-in votes, and not including other towns’ results for the races.

Thanks to the amazing poll workers and the American Legion who made today possible! Considering our number of absentee voters, we had a lot of voters coming through the doors. The day was smooth and safe!

Thank you,



Hilary Francis

Brattleboro Town Clerk

230 Main Street, Suite 108

Brattleboro. VT  05301

ph 802-251-8129

fax 802-257-2312

Brattleboro November 3, 2020 Unofficial Results
Race Candidate Total
President Joseph Biden/Kamala Harris 5423
Don Blankenship/Bill Mohr 3
Brian Carroll/ Amar Patel 2
Phil Collins/Billy Joe Parker 2
Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente/ Darcy Richardson 0
Richard Duncan/ Mitch Bupp 3
Howie Hawkins/ Angela Walker 37
Blake Huber/ Frank Atwood 0
Jo Jorgensen/ Jeremy “Spike” Cohen 45
Alyson Kennedy/ Malcolm Jarrett 12
Kyle Kenley Kopitke/ Taja Yvonne Iwanow 0
Christopher LaFontaine/ Michael Speed 18
Gloria Lariva/ Sunil Freeman 11
Keith McCormic/ Sam Blasiak 4
H Brooke Paige/ Thomas James Witman 8
Brock Pierce/Karla Ballard 2
Zachary Scalf/ Matthew Lyda 0
Jerome Segal/John De Graaf 1
Gary Swing/ David Olszta 1
Donald Trump/Michael Pence 1052
Kanye West/ Michelle Tidball 10
Representative to Congress Peter R Becker 122
Miriam Berry 868
Christopher Helali 111
Marcia Horne 93
Shawn Orr 26
Jerry Trudell 19
Peter Welch 5157
Governor Wayne Billado III 20
Michael A Devost 26
Charly Dickerson 18
Kevin Hoyt 59
Emily Peyton 184
Phil Scott 2855
Erynn Hazlett Whitney 38
David Zuckerman 3262
Lieutenant Governor Wayne Billado III 75
Ralph Corbo 30
Cris Ericson 248
Molly Gray 4558
Scott Milne 1426
State Treasurer Carolyn Whitney Branagan 1078
Cris Ericson 460
Beth Pearce 4314
Alex Wright 238
Secretary of State Jim Condos 4565
Cris Ericson 324
H Brooke Paige 953
Pamala Smith 392
Auditor of Accounts Cris Ericson 1187
Doug Hoffer 4437
Attorney General T J Donovan 4715
Cris Ericson 442
H Brooke Paige 965
State Senator Becca Balint 4889
Tyler Colford 290
John Lyddy 829
Marcus R Parish 742
Jeanette White 4191
State Representative      W1 Emilie Kornheiser 1708
Richard Morton 560
                                            W2 Mollie S Burke 1834
                                            W3 Tristan Toleno 1808
High Bailiff John Hagen 5160
Justice of the Peace Jane Buckingham 3271
Franklin Chrisco 3520
Diane Cooke 3473
Richard Cooke 3288
Steffen Gillom 2808
Ian Goodnow 3230
Peter Gould 3885
Scott F Griswold 2039
Martha Healey-Nelson 2215
Richard Kenyon 1111
Lee Madden 3096
Terrance Martin 1300
Mary “Beverly” Miller 2103
Richard Morton 1033
Kate O Connor 3896
Robert A Oeser 1986
Gail Speno 3546
Jacqueline “Jackie” Stromberg 1082
Veronica Wheelock 3352

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