Wonder if the votes from yesterday’s WSESD School District Budget Vote have been tabulated (assume so) and might soon be reported? Often ibrattleboro is ahead of other media on these results.
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Unofficial results...
JUNE 30, 2020
ARTICLE 1 – Accept the reports of the District Officers.
1534 -43
ARTICLE 2A – Steven Brown, Moderator
YES NO Write-In
1570 – 0- 7
ARTICLE 2B – Barbara Nowakowski, District Clerk
YES NO Write-In
1593 -0- 3
ARTICLE 2C – Frank Rucker, Business Administrator
YES NO Write-In
1563 -0 – 13
ARTICLE 3 – Board Stipends
1484- 256
ARTICLE 4 – Budget Vote
1531- 242
Thanks for answer
I knew ibrattleboro would be first to report it (at least from my searching town & school district websites with no mention of it.)
Thanks for the question...
I had forgotten to ask for results until the question was posed.
Unproper Public Warning Notice obstructs and obsoletes vote results
Where as the municipal calendar site at
only mention of the vote event is detail as
Windham SE School Dist Special Meeting
Tue 6/30/2020 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Windham SE Supervisory Union, 53 Green St, Brattleboro
The annual wsesd budget/ballot vote was labeled as a meeting; this wording misrepresents the intent and purpose of the event and misleads People who are unaware of the important specific details involved the description. The calender is supposed to serve communication educational information and link people to additional relevant website sources such as
The Municipal Secretary Jan Anderson and Clerk Hilary Francis were contacted about this issue and showed no effort to resolve the concern by this date, and there will be resulting petition for a properly warned re-vote date.