All Vermont High Schools & Colleges, Please Assign This Blog Entry For Required Reading!

All Vermont High Schools & Colleges, Please Assign This Blog Entry For Required Reading!

Please require all Vermont High School & College students to do a google, bing, or yahoo search on the news about the most recent North Korea Missle Test

Trump confronts perilous North Korean test

CNN International – 4 hours ago

North Korea pushed President Donald Trump closer to a set of excruciating choices with its most potent missile test yet, which shattered a two-month calm in Northeast Asia and set nerves in Washington back on edge.

 North Korea missile went 10 times higher than space station – NBC

 Kim Jong Un’s latest ballistic missile test flew 10 times higher than the International Space Station and twice as high as any satellite in low-earth orbit, according to South Korea’s military.

Now, in Dr.Stephen Bryen’s blog, he explains circumstances surrounding Japan’s attack on the American military base in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. How does that situation compare to our situation today with North Korea?

 “few in Washington doubted that Japan would attack the United States. Indeed, the only question was where.”

“Roosevelt took a major gamble in shutting down vital trade with Japan, figuring it would start a war…”

(How does that compare with U.S. sanctions against North Korea today?)

“Pouring its scarce resources into weapons of mass destruction leads to starvation of the Korean people and could provoke revolution at home.”

 Now, on the other hand, astrologically (and members of blogs elsewhere on the internet have made fun of my amatuer astrological predictions – so ha ha ha, here it is, anyway) on Dec. 1, 2017 Uranus in Aries (possible sudden war) will be opposite Mars in Libra (peace). This last occurred 84 years ago on Aug. 22, 1933 when Hitler was in the news.

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