The next monthly meeting of the West Brattleboro Association (WBA) will be held on Thursday, July 13th at 6:00 PM at the Hayes Court Community Room on Garfield Drive.
After a review of the treasury report and the 2017 budget, there will be updates on the Neighborhood Fund and BizUp/Commercial Spaces.
On the agenda also is a recap of the Chicken Barbecue held over Memorial Day weekend, including deliberating
whether the group should think about approaching it differently in the future.
Potential uses of remaining funds for the Sign Project will be discussed, including the possibility of instigating an historic site marker. In addition, the idea of designing/thinking/convening a public feedback survey will be considered. The group will also hear about the idea of a West Brattleboro Bike Mobility Campaign.
Members of the WBA have been provided with a link to a video on substance abuse, its addiction and stigma. There will be a discussion of how to use this as an effective educational tool..
The purpose of the Association is to promote the thoughtful and effective evolution of the community of West Brattleboro as a place that is safe, healthy, attractive, and prosperous and also to help West B residents be informed Brattleboro community members. WBA monthly meetings are open to all residents and business owners, and anyone else interested in West B.