Summer Programming at Brooks Memorial Library

For libraries, summer time means summer reading. This year’s theme is “Build A Better World,” and the Children’s Room will be busy providing new programs and continuing with previous popular summer programs.

This year we will offer a summer challenge for kids, ages 4-12. (Teen programs and programs for littler ones will also be available.) This program offers kids the chance to earn points for reading, being read to, or listening to audiobooks. Kids can also earn points by attending library programs. All these points are recorded a specific form that can be picked up in the Children’s Room. When a child earns 25 points, they can progress to the next level to earn more points and more prizes; the higher the level, the better the prizes. There will also be special tasks throughout the summer to earn bonus points. Prizes include free books, free snacks at local establishments, and free passes to other fun activities. Children can sign up starting Monday, June 19th, and then all the way through the summer. The completed forms have to be turned in by Saturday, August 12th to be able to win any prizes.

Our summer program for little ones is an activity sheet for parents with kids from birth to age 4, with suggestions of great early literacy activities, including, “Sing a song with your child,” and “read a wordless picture book.” This program is a great way to introduce common early literacy skills and fun activities that parents can do with their little readers. If parents finish 20 out of 25 activities on the sheet, they can get a free board or picture book.

Some of our summer’s programs include our classic offerings like Monday Movie Matinee, which is sponsored by Bellville Reality. This program starts on Monday, June 26th and runs through Monday, August 15th. A movie will show at 1:00 each Monday throughout the summer. Bring a lunch or snack and watch a movie on the big screen in the Meeting Room. Stop by the library to pick-up a schedule to see what is playing or look on our website. All movies are rated G or PG. This is free and open to the public.

On Tuesdays mornings we are offering two different programs for little kids and their families. In the morning from 10:30-11:30, we are hosting Sing-and-Dance with Laura Goldblatt, co-sponsored by KidsPLAYce. These Sing-and-Dance sessions will be Tuesday, June 27th, July 11th, July 25th, and August 8th. Additionally, on July 18th and August 1st from 10:30-11:30, we are collaborating with Sobo Dance Studio to host Family Dance Time! for kids 0-5 and their parents. Come shake, sing, squirm, and move around on Tuesday mornings from 10:30-11:30 throughout the summer with Sing-and-Dance or Family Dance Time! All sessions are free and open to the public. There will be no morning session on Tuesday, July 4th because of the holiday.

Tuesday afternoon we are offering a “Tinkering Tuesday” program for older kids. Every Tuesday from 2:00-4:00 we will offer a different STEM event, like playing with circuits, toy hacking, or building a Rube Goldberg machine. These events are free and open, but pre-registration will be required for some of these programs.

For this summer we will also start our Thursday, T.H.R.I.V.E program, with different special events on Thursday afternoons. All events will run from 2:00-4:00, unless otherwise specified. Some collaborative Thursday events include: Thursday, July 6th will be a letter writing event co-sponsored with the Local Love Brigade, and Thursday, July 27 and August 3 will be a special two-part series with local superhero Green-Up Girl. Week 1 with the Green-Up Girl, kids will learn about “Living a Green Lifestyle,” which includes composting, how a solar oven works, and how our trash negatively affects the animal kingdom. Week 2 is called “Podcasting for the Planet,” giving kids an opportunity to write and record, video or audio, their own piece about what solutions or concerns they have about environmental issues. Check-out our website to see the full Thursday T.H.R.I.V.E. schedule.

One special program we are hosting this summer is the Vermont Institute of Natural Sciences (VINS) will be coming to the library on Thursday, July 13th at 6:30 for a special after-hours program. VINS will bring three live raptors to this program to talk the importance of nesting season and how we can help birds out. Join VINS to learn what to do if you find a baby bird, and find out what bird parents are busy doing at this of time year. This program geared towards children and families, but everyone is welcome to attend. The Friends of Brooks Memorial Library have made this program possible.

The library will also be a summer lunch site for kids and teens through the Summer Food Service Program. This year lunch will be offered Monday through Friday from 12:00 to 1:00 starting on Monday June 26 and running through Friday, August 11. Free lunch is provided for children 18 and under—no registration required. Adults may purchase a meal for $3.00

For more information about all of our events this summer check out our website or like the Brooks Memorial Library Children’s Room facebook page to get updates and event reminders. For any questions or to register for certain programs call us at (802)254-5290 x110 or email

Comments | 2

  • Nicely done!

    What an awesome list of summer activities. Other than the part about having to go back to school at the end of the summer, I wish I were a kid again. I’d be at the library all week long.


    Making things!

    Be sure to post those podcasts here when they are done. (If you need help, let me know).

  • Listen Up Friends

    Identifying yourselves as Brooks Memorial is woefully inadequate. Your name is “Brooks Memorial Library.”
    Minimally your handle should be Brooks Library.


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