Doing Science Simply for the Sake of Learning How Nature Works

I was breakfasting at Flamingo’s on Canal Street recently and noted the flamingo motifs situated in the restaurant. I recall someone at the counter mentioned that flamingoes slept standing up. When I saw this article I was surprised what the flamingoes do to catch a few Zzzzzz’s.“Humans consider standing on one leg something best done in a yoga class. Flamingos, on the other hand, consider it the most comfortable sleeping position.

And they never seem to fall.

The reason behind it remains obscure. Some scientistshypothesized it might have to do with regulating body temperature. Others wondered if it reduced muscle fatigue.

Atlanta biologists Young-Hui Chang of Georgia Tech and Lena Ting of Emory University set out to find a definitive reason.”

More to the story:

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