Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Notes – Town Meeting Warnings, Drinking Event Approved

The FY18 municipal budget and related issues have been written up in the form of official meeting warnings, and have been approved by the Brattleboro Selectboard. This wraps up their recent FY18 budget discussions and prepares the town for March voting.

The board also approved of a special event permit for a downtown drinking and shopping event, learned of a farm expansion, and voted to send Peter Elwell to a meeting.



Chair David Gartenstein was absent so Kate O’Connor led the meeting. She had no opening remarks.

Town Manager Peter Elwell alerted the board that a farm in the tax stabilization program was planning to add acreage. Thurber farm has bought some additional land, and rules dictate that they advise the Selectboard before February 1st. Consider them advised.

There were n selectboard comments, committee reports, or comments from the public.

Liquor Commissioners – Brattleboro Luv Crawl

The Brattleboro Selectboard, acting as liquor commissioners, approved of a special event permit for the Brattleboro Luv Crawl, to be held downtown February 9 from 5 to 10 pm.

Merchants will be staying open late, and alcohol will be dispersed (samples and sales) at 8 locations – Taylor for Flowers, Ruggles & Hunt, Renaissance Jewelers, Brattleboro Bicycle Shop, Boomerang, Beadniks, Artrageous, and Altiplano.

You’ll need to get tickets, and have ID ready to show at each location. Food will also be available.

Participating liquor vendors include Caledonia Spirits, Vermont Distillers, Stonecutter Spirits, Whetstone Station & Brewery, Citizen Cider, Mad River Distillers, Saxtons River Distillery, and Silo Distillery.

Approve Warnings – Annual Town and Town School District Meeting and Annual Representative Town Meeting

The board approved the meeting warnings for the Annual Town & Town School District Meeting on March 7 and the Representative Town Meeting on March 25.

On March 7, Brattleboro voters can weigh in selection of town and school offices and town meeting representatives. Advisory questions on whether to limit single-use plastic bags from retail establishments, and whether Brattleboro should become a “Compassionate City,” are on the ballot as well.

On the 25th, Town Meeting Representatives will get a chance to vote on the FY18 municipal budget and typical town business, and school budgets and school business. A question regarding advising a switch from Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples’ Day is also included.

Appoint Town Manager as Voting Delegate for VLCT Special Membership Meeting

The Vermont League of Cities and Towns is holding a special meeting to amend VLCT bylaws regarding adoption of municipal policy.

The board appointed Town Manager Peter Elwell to be its voting delegate at the special meeting to be held February 15th.


“A record pace,” said John Allen of the board’s approval speed.

The board voted to adjourn after 12 minutes, making it one of the shortest selectboard meetings in recent memory.

Comments | 3

  • Cheers for Article 22, RTM Warning

    At last it’s official. March 25th we can finally do this.

    ” A question regarding advising a switch from Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples’ Day is also included.”

    Thank you everyone who supported this initiative!

    • Thank YOU

      Thanks to you Rich, for your perseverance with this project! I hope many will vote to support this small gesture of recognition for the real history of our region and nation.

      • Many voices

        I am thankful for the active support of many others, including yourself, who have helped to lift this up, into sight and awareness.

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