May 30, 2016
John O’Connor
Town Treasurer/ Finance Director
Town of Brattleboro
230 Main Street
Suite 111
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Dear John,
I was preparing bills and I just felt compelled to air a pet peeve that I have had for years.
Every year I get a Property Tax Statement that contains four tear off tabs that I am to mail in to the Town with a check for the quarterly payment of my property taxes.
I am almost 66 years old — I forget to mail in the stubs or I lose them. The town sends me no notification that tax payments are due. In fact the only notification I get from the town is a delinquent notice (after-the fact) that applies interest and a huge penalty fee up to 4 times a year!
How much revenue is generated from these penalty and interest charges? What portion of those being charged these fees — are seniors? Are these delinquent notices being sent to credit agencies?
I would hope (for seniors anyway) that a bill might precede delinquency notification and the assessment of penalty, interest charges and the transmission of delinquency info to credit valuation agencies.
John does this seem fair to you?
Chris Pratt
Tax Day
The Town does publicize each of the 4 tax days at least a week in advance. I doubt that there is any intention to turn tax delinquency penalties and interest into a profit center. If you have misplaced your tax bill and water/sewer bill, you can come in to the treasurer’s office.
They will let you know how much you owe, and give you a receipt. Or you could call them and find out how much to mail in. You do not have to wait until tax day. You can pay as the date approaches and just get it done. Do you keep a calendar? Why not mark of a warning one week ahead of each tax day?
Tax Day Inundation
I agree with SK-B on this one and I like to take it a step further. They give you 4 stubs for your quarterly payments right? Well what I’d do is I split those and make 8 payments. I love to inundate government with extra paperwork like it does to the common man.
I’ve been known to go down to my treasurer every couple of weeks and throw $100 on my tax bill. It drives them nuts when they run out of room on the statement to mark the amount paid and how much left is due.
The whole time I’m thinking “There how does that feel?”. “Frustrated are we that I’m creating more work for you?”
How does the town publicize tax payments due one week in advance — as you say. I have never seen any notification since I became a homeowner in 2011? They certainly are not bills as I have never received one.
I am asking the town to bill me before they charge me a penalty. That does not seem so outrages to me. Oh well I quess I will have to tack up my property tax coupons on the wall where I see them everyday. I was hoping to put a picture there though.
I think I've seen notices in
I think I’ve seen notices in the newspaper alerting people that taxes are due.
Of course, if someone doesn’t read the local paper they are obviously out of luck.
Taxes due same day as water & sewer
Chris, do you get a quarterly water & sewer bill? That can serve as your reminder because the due date is the same for property tax.
Same day as water and sewer
How about we eliminate having to make this association by adding a simple statement (or something like it) on the water/sewer bill?
— Remember your tax bill is due now too. You will not be billed so make note of it. —
That is a really great idea
And it should be easy enough to do. I will mention it to the Town Treasurer.
Good Luck SK-B
That would be great! I pay way too much in penalties simply because I forget.
you can't be serious
My town, its two bills a year. You get the bill in July and that’s it.
I have never understood why Brattleboro does it 4 times a year.
I’m sorry, your pet peeve sounds ridiculous. Do you also loose your dry cleaning stubs?
This is a serious matter
People are making light of this… the disgusting laundry ticket comment trivializes a serious matter.
Is everyone here totally a government shill, or does anyone realize that the stuff from the chemtrails is what is destroying Chris’ memory? I guess Mr. Mike, for example, just doesn’t get it.
Your constituent elements under closer inspection...
Fishboy’s second paragraph began apologetically, and was not in a disgustingly trivializing manner.
Every taxpayer and everyone on the grid is a “government shill.” Most of us play the role of “an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.” That would make Chris a shill, and your (imaginary) self a shill also.
Moreover, why would the alleged chemtrails selectively destroy Chris’ memory. Why would they not destroy your memory who I know spends a lot of time outdoors, or Obama’s, who spends a lot of time outdoors, or any other selected individual? Chemtrails, if they exist, would have to be fairly ubiquitous or not at all.
Yet still, your comment is another one of your “baiter” comments.
As mr.mike clearly states, “I agree with SK-B on this one and I like to take it a step further.” There is nothing in his “step further” followup to suggest that he “just doesn’t get it” as you say.
disgusting? ovey
Oh please. Let me be direct.
Keep your important papers in a designated place.
A "designated place" זה לא מדע טילים
Fishboy, I hope you meant your reply to be under the George Salt heading of “This is a serious matter” Submitted by George Salt on May 31, 2016 – 12:01am.
A designated place sounds like a good idea.
Affect on seniors
Chris’ letter highlights what affect the multiple stubs have on seniors referencing delinquency notifications and possible extra costs. There might be a reason why the town uses a quarterly tax bill system, versus annual or biannual.
Inappropriate Affect
“Affect” or “Effect?”