NOTICE is hereby given that the Brattleboro Town and Town School District Auditors’ Reports for fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, are available upon request and may be picked up at the Brattleboro Town Clerk’s office, 230 Main Street, Brattleboro, Vermont.
The Auditors’ Reports will also be available as part of the Town and School District Annual Report which will be available at the Town Clerk’s office no later than February 19, 2016.
Based on vote at Representative Town Meeting, March 20, 2010, the Town will no longer mail the Auditors’ Reports to all voters of the Town.
Therefore, persons interested in obtaining a copy of said Auditors’ Reports should contact the Brattleboro Town Clerk (251-8157). Copies are available on the Town’s website or for pick up, may be transmitted electronically, or sent by first class mail.