“We Choose To Go To The Moon”

President Kennedy’s speech “We choose to go to the Moon”  3:42 minutes
Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to land on the Moon in 1969. There have been six manned U.S. landings between 1969 and 1972. A cursory trolling of the Internet will bring a trove of manned moon landings hoax claims and debunkers of the hoax theory. Did man walk on the moon or not?

One strong indicator against man walking on the moon hoax is that if the 1969 landing was a hoax, then all six manned missions to the moon were a hoax, as well as all of the unmanned vehicles landings and all the manned orbits around the moon. If a hoax is in order, then it would not make sense to create a hoax for just the first manned mission but to create a hoax for the entire array of Apollo missions.

In fact, there are too many indications that the manned landings were for real.

Additionally, there were just too many people involved. The integrity of each and every astronaut – who walked on the moon, including, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, James Irwin, Eugene Cernan, Harrison Schmitt and other astronauts would have had to be a part of the hoax. Moreover, the Apollo program employed roughly 400.000 who worked for NASA.

There’s an old saying, in principal, “Three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead.” With hundreds of thousands of people involved, and the American and world press taking a high level of interest in space programs, each of them, taken as a whole, reduces the possibility that each and every one of them are liars or were unaware that they were knowingly participating in hoax.

The waving flag is a main theme for the hoaxsters. However, there is no evidence that the flag was actually in motion. If you examine the photo of the flag carefully you can see the top edge of the flag is held straight by a rod of sorts under the fabric. The rest of the flag is crumpled, most likely because during the flight it was stored to be used once the landing was successful. However, it’s clear that in none of the images I saw was the flag actually waving, but it was stationary and rigid. (In this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSNqBO-jSZM starting at 20:25, you can see the flag is rigid and stationary, not waving at all. In the photo, aside from the flag, you can clearly see the multiple crisscrossing boot prints, as well as parallel wheel tracks of the Moon Lander, in what is obviously a layer of dust in that sector of the surface of the moon. None of that indicates a false staging to fool the public.

The question about the Van Allen Belts is one of the easier ones to answer. Claims are made the manned space flight cannot safely travel through the dense radiation Belts. In January of 1958, James Van Allen began researching “the intricate world of charged particles outside the Earth’s atmosphere” in an experiment aboard Explorer I. And, by March of 1958 Explorer 3 confirmed that the “high radiation environment around our planet exists because charged particles become trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field; the same magnetic field that protects us from deadly radiation also prevents that radiation from dissipating into space.“ The two radiation belts sits between 600 to 12,400 miles above the planet. By the time of the discovery of the Van Allen Belts, NASA was already deliberating manned missions to the moon. The Van Allen Belts were a problem but not an insurmountable one. NASA determined the spacecrafts “would be passing through the belts fast enough that the spacecraft’s skin and all the instrumentation lining the walls would be enough protection.”

The “agency determined that its astronauts had avoided the large radiation doses many feared would ground flights to the Moon.”

List of missions to the Moon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_missions_to_the_Moon – note the large number “launch failures.” The first successful launch was accomplished by Russia with a with an unmanned Impactor OKB-1 vehicle.

In just a couple of hours of researching I found so many contraindications of any type of a hoax that I’d have to write a very lengthy article or a book to contain them all.

So why hasn’t “man” returned to walk on the moon since 1972 (43years)?

“NASA chief Charles Bolden says the space agency won’t be sending astronauts to land on the moon any time soon, according to press reports.

The U.S. space agency won’t lead the way back to the moon in the foreseeable future in order to maintain its focus on manned missions to an asteroid, and eventually Mars, Bolden said during a joint meeting of the Space Studies Board and the Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board last Thursday (April 4), according to a SpacePolitics.com report by Jeff Foust. http://www.space.com/20557-nasa-moon-missions-bolden.html

Comments | 3

  • not a hoax

    While the questions raised are important topics to be discussed,I think the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of a real moon landing. One point of contention not mentioned is some of the color photographs from the Apollo mission might have been enhanced. This would give the appearance of fabrication, but I think NASA was probably just engaged in marketing. The first point Vidda made about the integrity of the astronauts is a valid one. It is interesting to note that most of the astronauts came back to earth with a belief in aliens/other dimensions/spiritual reality, however one would like top label it. Edgar Mitchell has been particularly vocal about this.

  • Single Bull Theory

    One of the more persistent rumors around this was that Stanlely Kubrick directed the filming of what was seen as the landing. Stories vary, but they include technology swaps between he and NASA that allowed for 2001 to be made, even tales of alien special fx engineers having a hand in production.

    Brings up a gripping point though, what is real?…Only the Authentic? ( as in devoid of ‘artifice’)…or authentically fabricated…do these experiences merge somewhere?

    Taking highly charged topics such as World Trade Center, or JFK, is there a chance to ‘set the record straight’–or are we fated to always dwell in a liminal zone between fiction and fact?

  • Moons

    That photo brings back memories. For a while in elementary school I was the proud owner of 3-5 poster size photos from the moon landing. My grandfather had obtained them somehow through his work at NY Life, and he thought I’d like them. They were crystal clear, gorgeous, hi-res photos, and one was the image you used up at the top (though it is cropped). I brought them to school for show and tell in science class.

    That little arm holding the flag was used because they expected a lack of wind, but wanted the flag to be visible. Without it, it would flop.

    Remember how much fun it was to look at the moon, and know someone was up there, right now? During moon missions I always made an extra effort to look really closely to see if I could see anything (uh, without a telescope, so… no I saw nothing).

    Then we had all the “space age” inventions. Space age fabrics and cleaners, Tang, freeze dried ice cream, and those little chocolate sticks in foil tubes. Quisp and Quake! Model rockets. And so on. Quite an exciting time, and made us kids think anything was possible.

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