Sign up now for BCTV’s small group classes. Register online at or contact 257-0888 or All classes are at BCTV’s facility in the Brattleboro Municipal Center.
Editing Tips & Tricks: Learn about advanced editing and post production techniques using Adobe Premiere. Master the complete tool palette, learn to utilize color correction filters, chroma keying, audio editing, and more. Prerequisite: Intro to Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro.
Wednesday, November 4, 5:30 – 7:30 PM
Audio for Video
Nothing sets a video production apart like good audio. Local audio pro Jeff Mastroianni presents this workshop dedicated to the art of sound. Get the pros and cons on an array of different microphones, and the do’s and don’ts of audio recording in the field. Prerequisite: Active production or editing experience.
Wednesday, November 11, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Create Video on any Device
You don’t need a production van of gear to make world class video anymore–these days you don’t even need a video camera! Whether you’re using your cell phone, tablet, webcam, or DSLR, creating video has never been more accessible. Get tips and tricks on uploading, sharing, converting, compressing, and archiving your video creations. No prior experience required; BYO device.
Wednesday, November 18, 5:30 – 7:30 PM.
BCTV Producer’s Night