One Of Many Differences Between Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders

Hilary is raising money from private prison corporations.


Another link

Bernie is introducing legilation to make them illegal.


Comments | 6

  • Point Goes To Sanders

    I prefer the legislation to make for-profit prisons illegal, myself.

    Sanders also talks about reforming the criminal justice system, and readjusting ourselves to the idea that prison is a temporary place for some to visit. Anyone going in should have a path (not a cut hole in a drain pipe) to get back out.

    We should be wanting everyone to do well, so that we all do well.

    • Excuse me? Let's get a grip...

      There’s no question that Sanders is talking the talk. What I’m not so sure about is has he walked the walk?

      His career in state and federal offices does not weigh in favor of his show of concern over the years for changing the criminal justice system (CJS).

      Show me his record about this. What Sander’s says about prisons and the CJS during his drive for president is one thing. What he has done or at least said about the drug laws and unfair sentencing over these years is another matter.

      For example, does Sanders support legalizing marijuana????

    • Hat into the ring

      On reading my comment now, I guess I sounded a bit harder than I meant to be but the Bernie hoopla about his rhetoric from different people here in town has me thinking that where was he on some of the issues he speaks about now before throwing his hat into the ring? The prison privatization has been a problem for quite awhile now, yet he wants to introduce legislation to make them illegal? Did he ever introduce legislation to reign prisons in before? And, I ask again, what is Sanders, and for that matter, Leahy’s position on legalization of marijuana in Vermont (or the nation)?

  • Berniemania!

    I’m with Bernie for the duration. Sure, as a congressman in a VERY white state, he’s been in a bit of a bubble, but no more than we have been here locally. I thought he responded well when the Black Lives Matter folks brought their life-and-death concerns to him in Seattle and elsewhere. He absolutely ‘gets’ the need to abolish profit-taking in the criminal IN-justice system.

    It was a big thrill for me to walk in the Strolling of the Heifers parade right behind Bernie and his son Levi. I had resigned from my position as Chair of the Windham Democrats only a couple of weeks before, and endorsed him as soon as he officially announced. Had I been Chair, I would not have felt clear to do that, because I think a Party chair has to be neutral during contested primaries.

    Run, Bernie, Run! Onward to victory!

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