Saturday, March 30, 2013, marks the final week for the 7th season of the Winter Farmers’ Market.
It is also the 6th Annual CSA Fair hosted at Post Oil Solutions’ Winter Farmers’ Market. A variety of CSA(Community Supported Agriculture) Farms will join our regular market line-up to offer information about their farming operations and their CSA share options.
Take this opportunity to do your CSA research and pick your farmer for 2013! You will find farms with weekly CSA shares for vegetables, fruit, medicinal herbs, meat and more. Some offer deliveries to central pick-up locations while many invite you to visit their farms each week and get to know their operation. Some farms even invite you into their fields to lend a hand in picking the weeks harvest. So join a CSA. It’s a great way to support local agriculture and the local economy!
In addition to the CSA Fair, and the usual delights of the market, we will also be featuring live music in the café from 11:00-1:00 by the ballad singing trio, Maythorn.
This will also be the final week for 3SquaresVT customers to cash in all of those Market Match Coupons we have distributed this season.
The Winter Farmers Market offers fresh greens, apples, maple syrup, local eggs, grass-fed beef, pork and lamb, locally raised chickens, baked goods, local preserves, hand-made soaps, jewelry, pottery, hot lunches, and so much more.
We thank the River Garden and the Greater Brattleboro Community for yet another record setting season of the Winter Farmers’ Market. When you support farmers’ markets you support your local economy and vote with your dollars for safe, nutritious local food.
Stay tuned for news about our 2013/2014 season as market organizers watch the developments at the River Garden and consider location options that can support the Winter Farmers’ Market’s continued growth.
Open 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, at the Robert H. Gibson River Garden, 153 Main St., Brattleboro, VT. For more information call 802-869-2141, or email us at
List of Vendors & CSAs at Final Winter Farmers Market
Via email, I received the list of vendors who will be at Saturday’s Winter Farmers Market, the final winter market, and thought I would share. As a relatively new vendor, Vermont Quince would love to give you a taste of our yummy quince products including our brand new Quince Mustard (ONLY available at the market at this point).
The variety of products available from this group is wonderful:
New Leaf CSA, Amazing Planet Farm, Fertile Fields Farm, Old Schoolhouse Plantery, Dwight Miller Orchards, Clay Hill Corners Farm, Wild Shepherd Farm, Higley Hill Farm, Center Mountain Farm, Wild Flour Bakery, Potteryworks, One World Soap + Mountain Chairs, Orchard Hill Breadworks, Putney Mountain Wines, Nana Sandy’s Preserves, Dim Sum Teahouse, EcoElementals, Mission Mushroom, Thai Hut, Sawyer Artisanal Cheese, Blake Hill Preserves, Kettle of Hawks Herbals, Chair Massage by Rachelle Ackerman, Vermont Quince, and Beaded Jewelry.
In addition to regular vendors New Leaf CSA and Fertile Fields Farm, five other CSAs will be on hand with info on their 2013 programs: Picadilly Farm, Hettie Bell Farm, Neighborhood Market, Wild Carrot Farm, Rebecca Golden (herb CSA), and Hermit Thrush Homestead.
Hope to see you there on Saturday!
Bumping this up as a reminder
Bumping this up as a reminder that the final Winter Farmers Market is tomorrow, 10-2 at the River Garden.
Vermont Quince will have quince jelly, dulce de membrillo, quince mustard, two kinds of quince glaze (quince-rosemary-cardamon and quince-ginger), and Quince Splash ™. Samples of most…
Hope to see you there!