Economic Development Pitch Night with Lt. Governor Phil Scott

On behalf of both the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation and Lt. Governor Phil Scott, we wish to invite you to attend the Southern Vermont Regional Economic Pitch Night.  The event will be held at Vernon Elementary School in Vernon from 4pm-6pm on Monday, March 9th.

Southeastern Vermont has done extensive analyzing of and strategic planning for growing the Windham Regional economy through development of our Federally approved Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies.  Now you are also invited to present ideas to legislators on how to move the Vermont State economy forward. Presentations will be limited to 5 minutes per person.  This is an opportunity to provide positive ideas for improving Vermont’s economy, and hopefully encourage new legislation.


Due to limited seating and time, please let our office know if you would like to attend and/or pitch your idea.  Please include a brief summary of the focus of your pitch (300-500 words).  If we have multiple individuals who have ideas that are aligned, we reserve the right to designate a single representative for that concept to present.  The primary goal is to have a wide variety of perspectives discussing innovative ways to move our economy forward.

To reserve a seat and or request an opportunity to pitch, please contact Jodi Clark, Project Manager for SeVEDS at or call 802-257-7731 ext. 217

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