Announcement: Any Office Peter Runs for in 2016, I’m Running Against Him!

With  Peter re-elected, how much more over-taxation  suffering can people take before they pack up and move away?

I will run for U.S. Senator or  Representative to Congress, and Governor of Vermont; at least one state and one federal office in 2016.

I will fight for our right to have peace and quiet, and that means telling the U.S. Air Force to base the  F-35 strike fighter jets somewhere else!  Can you imagine having to edit out the “peace and quiet” statement in most of the tourist brochures for Vermont?

I will fight for a whole lot of issues,  including protecting our environment, and demanding that children actually get educated in school, and marijuana legalization for adults.

I believe that a statewide system of “free” (paid for by taxes) health care clinics and hospitals will actually be less expensive for taxpayers,  than being forced to buy health insurance,  because health insurance wastes your dollars paying for administrative expenses that just don’t exist when a clinic or hospital is free.

I believe that people deserve the same tax breaks as corporations, and that if a corporation is a person, then a person is a corporation.  

I believe that when your tax dollars pay for something, like medical research for prescription drugs, that the people should own the patents on those drugs as “work made for hire” under Patent Laws.   The major pharmaceutical companies have been pampered by the U.S. Congress long enough.

And remember, that if we allow any pipelines, natural gas or anything else, underneath Lake Champlain, that Champ the Lake Champlain Monster will get sick and die.  Would you kill Santa Clause flying through the night sky with his Reindeer?  Oooops, the F-35 strike fighter jets might!

Vote for me, Cris Ericson, in 2016.   Thank you! 

Comments | 15

  • So basically your message is

    So basically your message is whatever I’m going to run for, which will be what Peter Shumlin runs for, vote for me instead of Peter Shumlin. Gee, what will you do if Shumlin decides to retire, retire also?

    • Ha.

      Ok, that last line was funny.

    • I am overjoyed

      Horray, Whee, Hurrah, Yippee, Great, Wow, Go for it, Yowza, Whoopee, Whee, Golly Gee, Rah Rah Rah, I cannot wait

      • Just a suggestion

        You have two “Whee”s. May I suggest replacing one of the “Whee”s with a “Yay!!” Just a suggestion…

        • Comedy Series

          Is Cris a new addition to iBrattleboro’s Comedy Series? I hope she’s not too put out by it. It’s in good fun, I think. She’s alone now…until the next primary races.

          • Vidda Crochetta, your whole world depends on making fun of me!

            Vidda Crochetta, your whole world depends on making fun of me! You would be absolutely devastated if I wasn’t here for you to poke fun at!

            You wake up in the morning, Vidda Crochetta, licking your lips hoping for some comment by me that you can stab at!

            Now, I know from personal e-mail you have been kind enough to send me at that your number one ambition is to protect and serve Governor Peter Shumlin, and also that you absolutley do not use marijuana, but you are willing to be an advocate to legalize it.

            So, Vidda Crochetta, why don’t you take your energy and join the Vermont Marijuana Party, where you can blatantly try to subvert the goings on,
            and then you can report back to Governor Peter Shumlin that you are really doing your best to upset Cris Ericson.

            Governor Peter Shumlin will probably give you a special kick-back, or does he have you on the payroll in a more blatant way?

            Because I delete most of your personal e-mail to me, I didn’t really follow that special line of communication of how you don’t use marijuana, but you advocate it becoming legal, and you work to promote Governor Peter Shumlin.

            Hmmph! Please clarify all that here, since it is my inclination to delete most of your personal e-mail to me, since you stated your absolute support of Governor Peter Shumlin.

            Cris Ericson

          • The Whole Wide World ?

            At least, Cris Ericson, you still have your exaggerated, zany humor.

            I probably do what some others on here do, log-off and get on with things. It would be amusing that my “whole world depends on making fun of me (you“ or that I “wake up in the morning licking (my) lips” anticipating your comments.

            I usually am a great ‘people dreamer’ at night and often wake up in good moods because of them, but I assure you are not one of them.

            I have, do and will support Peter. But the thought that my “number one ambition is to protect and serve“ him or that I’m on his payroll is quite funny.

            Deleting my emails to you must be a big chore, considering that I have so few email sends between us, but you can flatter yourself otherwise, if you like.

          • Marijuana!

            CE :: “I didn’t really follow that special line of communication of how you don’t use marijuana, but you advocate it becoming legal, and you work to promote Governor Peter Shumlin.”

            VC :: If you could ever step away from your bad self long enough, you might understand what being concerned for others really means. Of the number of friends, family, co-workers, etc. over these long years I know who have and do smoke marijuana, not one of them were criminals and none were jailworthy and none of them suffered for using it, except the ones ensnared in the criminal justice system. I have smoked enough in my life to know of the incredible value of hemp and marijuana for consumption and other uses.

            A VT marijuana party is more like having a third leg these days. What for? And, I don’t support single-issue political parties of any kind. I like being independent.

    • Hi! Rosa Bonheur, I apparently need to clarify the issues!

      Hi! Rosa Bonheur, I apparently need to clarify the political issues at stake for Vermonters, because even though I will run for the same office(s) as Governor Peter Shumlin, my position on the issues is 180 degrees different!

      #1 I am against basing a fleet of F-35 strike fighter jets which are designed to be dual capable of carrying nuclear bombs in the most populated area of Vermont, South Burlington in Chittenden County, adjacent to a civilian airport, the Burlington International Airport.

      Governor Peter Shumlin is in favor of basing the F-35s there.

      Peter Shumlin and I are in total opposition to each other, even though
      we run for the same office of Governor ( and I always lose. )

      So, even though we are running for the same office, our goals are
      entirely different.

      #2 Peter Shumlin has been reported in the news to be in favor of running a natural gas pipeline underneath Lake Champlain, while simultaneously, one-third of Vermonters draw their drinking water from Lake Champlain.
      Natural gas pipelines have been in the news nationwide for pipe leaks and pipe explosions, which would destroy the drinking water for 1/3 of Vermonters, and there is no plan for replacement water.

      I am totally opposed to running a natural gas pipeline underneath Lake Champlain. Natural gas is not natural, it is fracked. It is obtained by fracturing the earth with federally regulated toxic hazardous chemicals.
      The ground water in the area the earth is fracked becomes polluted.
      This is totally and completely unfair to Canadians and Native American Indians, whose land is abused.

      So, again, I am running for the same office, of Governor and U.S. Senate, and the reports in the news are that Governor Peter Shumlin might run for U.S. Senate in 2016 rather than for Governor if U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders runs for President of the United States of America.

      Now, as to Governor Peter Shumlin retiring? I don’t think so. He has way too much fun being in political office.

      As for me retiring my endless losing perennial political campaigns?
      Not a chance! This is the best way for me to raise political issues that the Democrats and Republicans don’t want to talk about.

      Cris Ericson

      • Simultaneous Campaigns?

        Don’t think Bernie is looking to retire from the Senate. If you, Cris, are legally allowed to run for two offices simultaneously, so can Bernie. (Haven’t checked out VT state or Fed election laws, but you’re good at that, so you can correct me if I’m wrong.)

        As chair of the Democratic Governor’s Association (something like that), Peter might more likely consider a presidential run 2020, especially if he has a good showing in 2016 for governor. He’s young enough to wait.

        Time will tell who’s running for what…

        • You can run for one state and one federal office.

          Hi! Vidda Crochetta: You can run for one state and one federal office.

          U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders is in favor of nuclear proliferation because he supports the
          basing of a fleet of F-35 strike fighter jets in a residential neighborhood of South Burlington, VT
          and these jets are designed to be dual capable to carry nuclear bombs.

          Please call Bernie Sanders and tell him this is a terrible mistake. It is unconscionable.
          The Vermont Air National Guard will be the first Guard base to receive the planes,
          starting in 2020.

          Over heated objections from some Vermonters,
          both Leahy and Welch, along with Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.
          strongly supported basing F-35s
          at the Air Guard station at Burlington International Airport.
          (A civilian airport in the most
          populated area of the State of Vermont.)

          The analysis shows no Lockheed-related contributions for Sanders,
          who does not accept corporate PAC contributions.
          (That is no excuse for his support
          of this horrible decision to destroy the habitability of a residential neighborhood,
          forcing 1200 families to move from their homes which now have no re-sale value,
          after years of paying mortgages.)

          Lockheed Martin political action committees and employees have contributed generously
          to members of Congress, including two Vermont lawmakers, since winning the main
          contract to develop the Joint Strike Fighter jet, the most expensive weapons project ever.

          PACs and employees affiliated with Lockheed contributed $12.4 million to members
          of Congress between Jan. 1, 2001 and Dec. 31, 2013, according to a recent MapLight
          analysis of contributions compiled by

          About $8.1 million went to current members.

          Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., received $12,000 and Rep. Peter Welch, D-Vt., received $5,200
          during that period, according to MapLight, a research group that tracks money’s influence
          on politics.

          • Just because you CAN do

            Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you HAVE to do it . . . or should do it.

          • Rosa Bonheur for Senate

            You’re not the only one Cris…It’s my feeling some contributors here on iBrattleboro are also potential senate material.

            While I’ve had some disagreements with Rosa she nevertheless has a sensible view of things, writes well (which means she thinks even better) and has one of the best understandings of issues that I see on here. (But she has to be 35 or older…)

          • Bernie will run for POTUS and his Senate seat

            Thanks Cris.
            It almost certainly means that Bernie will run in the Fed primaries for POTUS, but remain a candidate for his senate seat. If that’s the case, Peter will not run for the senate, unless Bernie gives the greenlight.

            Additionally, Bernie is very likely setting the stage for Peter to run for president in 2020, rather than expecting to win himself, which he fully knows is one of the longest shots taken in modern politics.

  • This just in from G.K. Chesterton

    “The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected. Even when the revolutionist might himself repent of his revolution, the traditionalist is already defending it as part of his tradition. Thus we have two great types — the advanced person who rushes us into ruin, and the retrospective person who admires the ruins. He admires them especially by moonlight, not to say moonshine. Each new blunder of the progressive or prig becomes instantly a legend of immemorial antiquity for the snob. This is called the balance, or mutual check, in our Constitution.”

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