Regarding Killing the Prince of Peace in Afghanistan on his birthday, no sense thinking up some new observations, last year’s and those of previous years should suffice.
Below the list of articles, readers are invited to imagine appropriate completions of New Year’s resolutions for a few of problems Americans will face in 2015.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Jesus’ Birthday in an Apostate USA that Kills HIM Everyday Multiple Times USA places itself above Jesus. Shoots an Afghani, Pakistani, Yemeni, Somalia, Bang! Boom! there goes Jesus, shot down again at the same time, for in Matthew 25:40: Jesus says, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” All who draw the sword will die by the sword. (Matt. 26:52) “you know the commandments: you must not kill” Mark 10.18 Nuremberg Principles say the same!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Afghani Kids Still Freeze to Death Die in Air Strikes! Retribution? Driven Away by War, Stalked by Winter’s Cold headlined above a photo of children huddled around a fire in the open. Frigid Temperatures Claim Lives of Children in Kabul, NY Times, 2/4/2012.OEN published an article citing many newspapers reporting children freezing to death two years ago – going on now ten years. Only physical punishment can deter Americans from continuing this and indifferently waiting for God’s retribution?
Friday, December 23, 2011
Christ Mass in OWS ‘Liberty Park’ to Honor Rev. Martin Luther King Pacifism Zuccotti Park, has seen religious observances by all faiths. Christian anti-war activists held Christ Mass in the park from midnight Dec. 24 through all of Dec. 25, by calling attention to great Americans who acted upon Jesus’ message of love and non-violence in opposing their nation’s wars upon small countries. King’s sermon of anguished conscience, “Beyond Vietnam a Time to Break Silence” was recited. CBS was there to cover it.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Carter Had CIA Armed Fundamentalist Terrorists War Against Afghan Women’s Liberation & Education A CIA covert cruel attack on the people of Afghanistan as a pawn in the Cold War gave birth to US backed civil war, 8 yrs of Soviet military intervention,11 yrs of terrorist war lord devastation; 5 of Taliban restoration of peace, 10 yrs of US invasion/occupation war. Who can stop the gunning down of Taliban as if they, and not David Rockefeller’s wealthy America, had 9/11 guilt for creating al-Qaida? Jimmy Carter could!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Kids Freezing To Death In Kabul. A U.S. Christian President Ignores Them? Eight years of children starving and freezing to death in that area of Afghanistan occupied and controlled by U.S. troops. Jesus said for us to feed the hungry and clothed the naked. So why don’t the American’s do so in Afghanistan? Is a superpower unable to do so? President Bush was a Christian, President Obama is a Christian. Why does the U.S. ask someone else, the UN to do it as charity? Americans caused them to freeze.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Marines Taliban Killing Hunt – Shoot Afghans in Afghanistan, but Wright is ‘Outrageous’ CNN: Marines invade a village long under Taliban ‘control’, (Taliban provincial administration), caption – “Marines on Taliban Killing Hunt!”, next -“outrageous” Wright quoting Bible on terror coming back to those who use terror, accusing the U.S. of using terror. Not new, media vilified Rev. King condemning U.S. genocide in Vietnam and a murderous foreign policy worldwide. What is new an anti-war personality on prime time!
Friday, August 17, 2007
MLK Jr. & Acceptable Killing of Children by Air Strkes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia What if the heartbreaking photo had instead been that of an AMERICAN father clasping his dying infant son to his chest staring vacantly into the camera, holding an AMERICAN child with shrapnel wounds. Amoral Mr. & Mrs. America approve sending terror under the American flag! MLK Jr said, “Every man of humane convictions must protest.” Its easy. Just quote King! We need his moral leadership.
Readers Imagined Useful New Years Resolutions for Americans to Keep During 2015 AD:
#1. Regarding so many African American men and boys shot to death by police in 2014 and in earlier years, be it resolved that elected and appointed officials beginning in 2015 will …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
#2. Regarding the US Military led thirteen year long occupation war in Afghanistan and the killing, maiming of so hundreds of thousands of Afghani in their own beloved country, and the confession of Presidential Advisor (and close confident of David Rockefeller) Zbigniew Brzezinsky that at his urging President Carter ordered the CIA to recruit, fund, arm, train and lead the tribes of fundamentalist Islamic countryside war lords in acts of terror against a popular new women liberating socialist government in Kabul, which these war lords had already themselves begun by executing government teachers that were sent to teach girls; and further regarding Brzezinski bragging as having created this covertly led civil war that would draw in the Soviet military to defend their allied Kabul government and into the kind of experience Americans had suffered in Vietnam; and regarding still further that Brzezinski had brought thousands of Arabs of the extreme Wahhabi sect of Islam, including Osama bin Laden and funded them to fight the Soviets and the Kabul government, ultimately leading to 34 years of war and impoverishment, be it resolved that in 2015, all American citizens who followed criminal and illegal orders bringing death, maiming and destruction to Afghan citizens in their own country, and those Americans who supported in any way such death, injury and destruction………………………………………………………..
#3. Regarding the near million Somali lives lost since US military action,0 then US NATO UN military, and proxy Ethiopian and Kenyan Armed Forces interventions, be it resolved ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
#4. Regarding the tens of thousands of Yemeni lives lost for US military interventions, be it resolved ………………………………………………………..
#5. Regarding the suffering of the citizens of Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria for illegal sanctions ………resolved?………………………..
#6. Regarding one and a half to two million Iraqi dead, half of them children since the criminal and illegal US 2003 bombings and invasion and occupation and the radical elements having be armed by the US ……………………………………..resolved?………………………………………………………..
#7. Regarding our covert arrangements and support for overthrowing the elected Venezuelan and Ukainian governments ………………..resolved?…..
#8. Regarding CIA led destruction of Libya and Syria be it resolved ……………………………..
#9. Regarding the Palestinian lawsuit before the international courrt and the US sponsored colonial crime against humanity and against the population of British occupied Palestine in arranging the theft of 94% of the land for the creation of a European colony in full knowledge of the permanent genocidal violence to follow, be it resolved that ……………………………………………….
Jay Janson is a regular contributor to Counter Currents, Kerala, India, and Minority Perspective Birmingham, UK; is coordinator of the Howard Zinn and Ramsey Clark founded, ! ! KING CONDEMNED ! ! OUR ATROCITY WARS “MEANT TO MAINTAIN UNJUST PREDATORY INVESTMENTS” and archival research peoples historian of the Ramsey Clark co-founded Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now Campaign an educational and stimulus website featuring the laws pertaining and a country by country history of US crimes in nineteen countries.